One card for Mom, please, and make it free

By Mir
April 28, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Hallmark is so sure you’ll love their cards, they’ll not only give you one for free, they’ll ship it for you, too.

Just go select your card, select “Have Hallmark mail this card for me” and personalize and address it, and then use coupon code CARD4MOM to get it for free. Works as long as you’re registered on the site and choose a regular (non-musical) card.

Hey—this could be the first year you get a card out on time! Or maybe that’s just me….


  1. AWESOME! Easy as pie and a red hot deal! Thanks for ensuring that my beloved stepmom gets a card and on time! 🙂

    Thank you, thank you!

  2. That was great, I found the perfect card for my mom.

  3. Oh my goodness!

    My huz might actually choose and send a card to his mother this way, as opposed to, you know, me doing it…

  4. Thanks, Mir – I love getting things off my to-do list early, and getting it done for free is even better!

  5. Does this work on photo cards, too?

  6. Thank Mir! I got that done with over a week to spare. And what is better than free?

  7. Super – thanks!

  8. Thanks! I’d already gotten my mom a card for Mother’s Day (I know! That NEVER happens!), but I got a card for someone else. (And I don’t feel bad because the one I got for mom is also from Hallmark :))

  9. Thanks! Nothing better than a personalized card that you don’t have to remember to mail…oh, wait…yes there IS something better…FREE!!! Thanks again, Mir!

  10. Wow! That was great! I did a photo card for my kids’ Gram and love how I could personalize it with photos of them. Please keep us updated on other free card offers like this in the future. Thanks so much!

  11. Awesome. Done and done!

  12. Oh, my mom will be amazed she got something in the mail from me. Thanks!

  13. My sister sent this site to me and this is way too cool. Between my wife and sister, both know how to save money and make people happy in the process.

  14. Thanks for this one. My mom will love it.

  15. Mir, I also really appreciate this! I made a photo card for Mom with the gandkids pics on it! She will absolutely LOVE it! Thanks so much!

  16. Thanks Mir!

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