The early bird catches the sale worm

By Mir
July 16, 2009

Please don’t throw anything at me—yes, I do know it’s only July—but it just so happens that many Halloween costumes are currently marked way down at the Disney Store Outlet, plus you can use coupon code OUTLET50 to take another 50% off. (Ouch! Hey, I said no throwing!) I know it’s early, but this is your chance to get costumes for upwards of 80% off retail price.

If you have your heart set on a fancy costume for your little one, or if you have multiple children to buy for, this may be your chance to scoop up the savings and look all organized and stuff when you’re ready so far ahead of schedule.

Buying $89+ worth? You can also apply code SHIPTODAY for flat $5 shipping on your $89+ order.

(Sorry, but I don’t have a coupon code to assure your kid doesn’t change his mind three days before Halloween. Still looking.)


  1. Princess costume? Check. Princess tees? Check. Princess dresses? Check.

  2. I am trying to put the princess costume in my cart and it says it cannot be purchased at this time. Hmpf!

  3. Ooh! I went back and tried it again and it worked! Yahoo! My twins are gonna FLIP OUT for Sleeping Beauty Costumes. Thanks, Mir!

  4. These are great gifts for kids who like to play dress-up, too!

  5. Mir,you are a Goddess! Thanks!

  6. We haven’t met, Mir, but I think we could very well be bff. Yours is at the top of my “must-read” blog faves. Is it possible to request your super-sleuthing powers to hunt out some deals on breadmakers for the domestically-challenged?

  7. Mir. I love you. I didn’t order Halloween stuff, but I found a princess winter jacket for my daughter for FIFTEEN BUCKS.

    You. Are. A. Shopping. GODDESS!

  8. This is killing me! The disneystore website won’t come up on my computer for some reason. My husband says it’s opening fine at his work….although I’m not sure I can get him to do my shopping for me 🙁 UGH!!

  9. Sweet I got the only size 5 costume I could (the alien) for $11 shipped. Awesome!

  10. I don’t have any children so I bought a costume for myself! I’m sure my students will love me as tinkerbell!

  11. Yippee, possible penguin costume for my adorable little boy, an Ursula wig for me, and play swords for the kids to beat the crud out of each other with. Score! Thanks Mir!

  12. I love a good costume that needs batteries! Thanks!

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