Like most tweens attending public school in our fine country, my daughter loves absolutely everything that comes from Justice for Girls. We, uh, don’t always see eye-to-eye on whether or not all of the things they offer are appropriate for young ladies (ahem), but I do find that some of their stuff is cute and it always makes for excellent bargaining chips. (Also—did I mention this before?—they’re one of the only places I’ve found which carries training bras in beige, which is useful if your daughter wears a white uniform shirt. Just saying.)
Anyway, they’ve got a new coupon available; use code 776 for 40% off your entire order, through September 29th, 2009. That brings their prices down to affordability, and makes it a lot easier for you to be the Cool Mom.
The term training bra always cracks me up. I think mine must still be in training.
Mine still are.. I found a training bra the other day (on accident, got lost in a store) that was LARGER than mine small A cup. I was upset.
Ooh, thanks! I need this. My daughter suddenly only wants to dress in Justice, and I cannot get into that quality for those prices. Bring back my gymboreeeeee!