A brief chat with Nathan Fillion

By Mir
November 2, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Why hello there, Nathan Fillion. Why yes, I did happen to know that you were once in a series that enjoyed a cult following but was, nevertheless, canceled after a single season. No, I can’t believe it, either, given your rugged good looks and marvelous pecs acting ability, not to mention the geekalicious sci-fi storyline. It’s certainly a mystery.

What’s that? Now we can pick up the entire 4-DVD Firefly: The Complete Series set at Best Buy for just $13? That’s incredible! Especially seeing as how the same item is currently $40 at Amazon.

Oh, Nathan. (May I call you Nathan?) It turns out you’re yummy smart and frugal. Thanks!


  1. If I didn’t already own the series I would get one! Nathan Fillion mmmmmmm drool.

  2. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again…i would watch nathan fillion doing a reading of the yellow pages. this is way better.

  3. I, too, admit to being a Firefly geek. Why, oh why, did they cancel it? Is there any chance they could just start it again? Is there a petition I could sign? A bra I could burn?

  4. The scene where he is left naked…. College daughter already has her own set, and we have one, also. Plus the movie — don’t forget the movie.

  5. I think we just have to hope for the days when the allmighty JW can produce his series online without interfering Alliance Fox executives. Then it will all be shiny. I’m buying an extra set to give to friends who are, perhaps, culturally deprived.

  6. Mir- you’re officially my favorite person today. Nothing like the mention of both Nathan Fillion and Firefly to get my Monday started!

  7. Awesome! Got it on store pick up!

  8. Thanks! I’ve been wanting to watch this. And shipping was only 2.49!

  9. ah, we already have it… but oh, nathan fillion!!!

  10. Well, don’t miss him on Castle. He actually dressed up as Mal on last week’s episode. What a Halloween thrill. Definately shiny!

  11. Suzy, yes! That was great. Especially the little music cue when his daughter asks what he’s dressed as. Straight from Firefly.


  12. (AY! Haven’t seen it yet, so this’ll make a great gift from Santa. (Using fake name to protect my identity.)

  13. Hmmm. I bought a few last Christmas to give to all my friends and family. We own a set. I love the price- though it is worth the $40. I love Nathan. If you haven’t checked out Dr. Horrible you are missing something.

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