Hey! I finally figured out what the Amazon Friday Sale reminds me of! Oh well, no matter; let’s see what they’re up to this week.
Problems in the marketing department: How can it be touchless if you have to shake it?
Wrong mental image: I am not interested in any beauty product with the word “freeze” in it.
A new campaign waiting to happen: Know how Hallmark is for when you care enough to send the very best? Here at Want Not, we care enough to send the very cheapest.
All it needs is a little basket: Totally retro-cool (or this one, for a bit less).
Missing a crucial element: I am extremely tempted by this, but I need one that comes with some bungee cords to tie me on it if it’s going to be of any use.
If you forgot to pick one up: This is a great price, not to mention a good filler item if you’re wanting to get up to $25 for free shipping.
Yes, please: Mmmmmm… warm towels.
Nothing says “I love you” like clean rain gutters: Give your honey a subtle hint with this telescoping ladder (he won’t mind; it’s cool and at a great price).
You say Makita, I say Mikado: I don’t know much about this, except that it does stuff and makes the tool-inclined men around me start grunting when they see it.
Happy Friday, everyone! Remember—friends don’t let friends pay full retail.
Makita, Mikado, tomato, tomahto, oh, well, I bought my tool-inclined man a DeWalt for Christmas. I asked my good friend the building engineer for advice to make sure I got the right one. Otherwise, I’d pick up this one. A late Valentine’s Day gift? Sure.
Nice price for a lodge cast iron skillet. Seems you mentioned needing one of those for the big move down south. Makes some mean fried chicken! Just sayin’.
Ok, maybe I should have read the previous post first…stupid me!
Love me my Makita!! That’s actually a great deal for the set.