Why yes, I can’t stop watching the Amazon Toy Lightning Deals, no matter how many times I swear I’m going to.
There’s a Green Toys tea set (made from recycled milk bottles!) coming up in just a few minutes. Mine are too old for a tea set (boo!) but this is a great item for the toddler set.
I have to stop the Amazon madness. Wonder if they have Amazon Anonymous?
Thank you! I’ve been planning to get this for my daughter’s second birthday in March.
Picked up one of these for a toddler who is getting a kitchen for Christmas. I also have my eye on the “moon in my room” that’s coming up later. It’s been sold out at the Discovery Channel every time I’ve looked at it.
I’ve given up on saying that I am done shopping. As long as there are lightning deals, I will never be done.
Heather – The Moon in My Room is SUPER. I’m watching that as well since we have one that I live in fear is going to get destroyed in a freakish accident.
Thanks for the tip! I bought that same tea set for my niece earlier this year (at a much higher price — did you know Pottery Barn Kids sells the same item?!) and was thinking of getting one for my daughter for next year. Glad to stock up now!
Ooh… I’m moving past Christmas and right on to birthdays. Thanks!
LOL, my daughters’ birthday is in March and I already have almost all of their gifts purchased! 😀 The Moon in My Room and the tea set pretty much finished me off.
Now if only Amazon did a great deal on Big Wheels, I’d be set 😀
I scooped up the Moon in my Room for my daughter – at $15 shipped, that’s a great deal! I also got a second Air Hog Havoc Stinger – I got one on the Target Black Friday sale and now I have a second one for even less! My living room is perfect for a little flight battle with the hubby! 😉