Honestly, I’m this close to allowing my children to take those bricks off their heads. They really don’t seem to be slowing down the growing process at all. Hmph.
If you, like me, find yourself browsing the Monster Sale at the Children’s Place for certain rotten children who refuse to stop growing, you might be interested to know that there’s a new coupon available. Use code C99AA for 15% all orders.
Now if they had a code for freezing time, I’d be all over that.
I’ve noticed over the last two weeks that long-sleeved shirts I bought 8yo boy at the beginning of December are getting too short in the sleeves. Sure, they could have shrunk in the wash, but I suspect it’s him growing. Damn growing!
The bricks aren’t working at ALL here. My 13 yo son grew a half an inch in the last month. It’s all height and no waist – he is outgrowing all his 28×30 pants and I’m having no luck finding longer lengths without going up to a 30 waist (belts seem to be an ‘evil thing’ around here). Any suggestions for tall skinny boys?
This is what I have been waiting for to do some shopping for next fall/winter. Thanks for the code!
@Katherine – duct tape?
@Katherine: In the days before adjustable waistbands (and it will be a sad sad day at our house when the 9-yr-old outgrows those!)…a seamstress could put a stitch in the waist to cinch it to size. If you, like me, can’t sew to save your life, check with your local dry cleaners. They might be able to help.
I was *just* thinking, “I hope Mir posts something about Children’s Place soon.” My oldest is walking around in floods…
I try not to feed my children to stop them from growing but then they just whine a lot and I end up giving in and feeding them. (Joking!) My 8 yo is growing so fast I will only buy him 1 pair of shoes, and 2 pairs of pants at a time. Otherwise I would be broke.
LOL at the duct tape! Somehow I don’t think he would like that…
I’ve thought about trying to take in the waistband, but I have horror flashbacks to my childhood when my mom tried to take in the waist on a pair of jeans – taking in 3 or more inches on jeans does NOT work. I wouldn’t wear them – too lumpy and uncomfortable. Maybe it would work on thinner material though.