Hey, Valentine’s Day is coming up. Soon my children will be clamoring to buy little cardboard cards at the store, and we’ll be arguing over things like whether or not it’s ever appropriate to hand your friends a somewhat scantily clad Miley Cyrus (answer: no).
Actually, forget all that. This year I’m ordering this box of Valentine’s Fun Dip from Amazon for just $10.84 shipped (with that awesome free Prime trial I have right now). It’s 144 packets of Fun Dip with cards, which means it’s character-free (no arguments!) and, you know, sugar, so both kids will be thrilled.
And 144 packets sounds like a lot, I know, but given that this stuff should have an almost infinite shelf life, I can just hang on to it for next year, too. Heh.
You still have a free Prime trial? I thought it was only a month long. Just curious. I do appreciate all the tips on saving money! Your site has been my first-checked every morning since I discovered you over a month ago. :o)
Other than baking something myself do you have any suggestions for valentines for my child who can’t have food dye. This is the first one since we cut out food dyes last spring due to some behavior problems which have improved greatly.
Yah! Just what I was looking for– and you’re right about it lasting multiple years 🙂
I bought the fun dips Valentines from the grocery store. I spent approx. $3 for 24.
Sabrina — What about plain chocolate? Or Yummy Earth lollipops? (They are delicious, no artificial dyes, and Mir posts deals on them periodically. I got mine during an Amazon sale.)
Or, of course, you could give a nonfood Valentine. Who says kids need more candy? You could just hand out cards…or cards plus little erasers, pencils, stickers…
YES! I have three kids passing out Valentines this year. Thanks!
144 Fun Dips?! I’m getting jittery just thinking about that amount of sugar.
Oh my word that is the best. $.075 each….totally awesome! And cheaper than getting a bag of treats at the store.
Hey, since I homeschool The Kids, can I buy this and just eat them all myself? I do love me some FunDips! 🙂
Great deal! Thanks, Mir!
we’re not allowed to send in any food of any kind. 🙁
I have 4 kids passing out valentines at multiple venues (school, cheer, bible club, etc.) I bet we can get pretty close to passing these all out in one year. Especially given the fact that I am an aide in a first grade class! Actually, running through the math – I may have to buy 2!!
I have a valentine tradition that began out of necessity a few years ago when I forgot to buy cards – I have each boy make a nice big valentine “card” on a single piece of paper – I help draw hearts and write Happy Valentines Day for the littlest one. Then I take a digital picture of each boy holding his sign. I print them out six to a page and cut them apart. The end. Simple, no candy, no expense, very little time investment, and everyone loves them, especially the teachers. Although, mmmmmm fun dip and sugar! (My kids would definitely vote for the fun dip, given the chance)