I can’t resist a “All The Single Ladies” spoof every time a deal on a labelmaker comes up, even though I know it’s starting to get old. I am a creature of habit, what can I say?
So, here: If you like it you shoulda put a label on it with this deal at Buy.com on a Brother PT1090 Simply Stylish Labeler, because today it’s just $16 shipped. And everyone knows making labels is just plain fun.
Also, if you want to see the best Single Ladies parody ever, check out this “All The Scholar Ladies” version from HOPE Christian Schools. I’ve watched it about twenty times and it still makes me smile.
That is a cute parody!
Mir, that’s mean! This song, catchy as it is, is the worst ear worm EVER! Now it will be stuck in my head all day. Grr. I suppose now I’ll have to go watch that parody. *sigh*
“All the Scholar Ladies” = BRILLIANT!
Yeah, they did a great job on that! I heard they are hoping for a million hits/clicks, so spread the word, they are almost halfway there!
And then I was gonna buy a labeler and it’s trying to charge me $5.49 for shipping. Even tho it says “free shipping” on the product page. Hmph.
Oh. That’s because it automatically defaults to 2nd day shipping. You just gotta change it to budget shipping. *slinks away in embarrassment* I blame it on not having any coffee yet 🙂
Totally cute video!
Very cute. My daughter loved it. I suspect it’s even cuter if you’ve seen the original. I didn’t know if the original video was anything I wanted my 7-year-old to see so I’ll wait until tonight to watch it. I lead such a sheltered life. (sob!)
Oh, and thanks for the labeler deal. I’ve been kicking myself for not jumping on the last couple.
I love the “All the Scholar Ladies” too!
I LOVE the scholar ladies!
That was really cute! But I still really like the goth kids doing the “Single Ladies” dance: http://music.todaysbigthing.com/2009/08/24