My name is Mir, and I think red kitchen utensils are sexy. I’m not afraid to say it. (But, uh, please don’t hold it against me.)
Today’s Meijer Steal of the Day is a 6-piece KitchenAid gadget set for $29.99 shipped. In red. Rawr!
For purposes of comparison, the same set is currently around $45 shipped from Amazon.
I especially like that ergonomic spatula. It’s kind of futuristic looking.
That spatula is designed to scrape the bowl of your kitchen aid mixer more efficiently! 🙂
I have had this set since I got married 4 years ago. I have used everything but the grater.
I also have this set and I can tell you I scrapped my electric can opener in favor of the manual one in this set. I can also verify the grater is also excellent…the entire set is awesome and very sturdy.
Oooh! Shiny & red to match your new appliances! 😉 Fun!
My mixer is empire red, so these will be perfect with it. Yay for new mixers! (Can you tell it’s fairly new still? I’m still in love with it. 😀 )
If you think they’re sexy, wouldn’t you WANT them held against you? 😉