Keep moving

By Mir
March 10, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I’ve often thought it would be fun to wear a pedometer to find out how many steps I take in a day… particularly on the weekends, when we never seem to stop moving. But then I remember that pedometers cost money, or I see something shiny and forget I was even thinking about it.

But now I’m going to get a free pedometer, thanks to Just Keep Moving, a site sponsored by Tylenol to encourage folks to stay active. Apparently I’m getting a DVD, too. But mostly I’m looking forward to the pedometer.

You can get one, too! Then we can compare. I promise to wear mine while sitting at my desk all day so that you can feel superior, if you want. I’m a giver.


  1. I just lost my pedometer. I think it fell off at a rest stop. So, I’m looking forward to getting a new one.

  2. huh, it just told me registration is temporarily unavailable. Guess I’ll have to remember to come back later!

  3. It told me that registration is unavailable as well, but then I got an email saying I was registered. So you are probably all set.

  4. I got the same message – I really hope it comes back up!!

  5. I’ve done the pedometer experiment. I insist that I take really big steps!

  6. I got both temp unavail and the email, so here’s hoping. Thanks!

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