I don’t condone violence. And in general I don’t buy my kid toys I consider violent. But I’ll confess to having a soft spot for Nerf toys, because—let’s face it—sometimes you just want to get out a little bit of aggression and shoot something. Ahem. If there’s going to be shooting, I prefer it to involve foam rather than any sort of facsimile of real guns or suggestion of shooting real living creature with something that will make them do more than say, “Ow.”
So with that long, rambling preface, I present to you: The Nerf N-Strike Elite EX-3 Blaster bundle for the Wii, currently just under $20 shipped at Best Buy. Fit your wiimote into that baby and shoot away, in a fast-paced game that works off their energy but never suggests they should actually be using firearms. Plus, you get an actual Nerf shooter, too, so when the kids are naughty you can shoot them.
Oh, did I say that part out loud…?
For comparison, the bundle is currently around $30 at Amazon, so I’m digging this deal quite a bit.
My son has more nerf guns than I can count. He will love this game and two days after your post it’s still available for that price.