A little light afternoon reading

Well, my day’s flown by and I haven’t managed to get much posted here. (Darn life, always interfering with my bargain hunting!) But while I go shuttle the kids around, you may want to take a look at this piece over at The Consumerist. If you have questions...

Mindful Money: Debt and retirement

I got to thinking the other day when I posted about IRA contributions, and I realized we’ve never really hashed out the whole matter of paying down debt vs. saving for retirement, here. And lord knows that many, many people—who are actually, you know,...

Have you contributed to your IRA today?

Oh, I know we’ve talked about retirement before—although I think I owe you a more detailed post on retirement accounts—but I was moving some money into my IRA this morning and thought to myself, “Self, you should mention this on Want...

A bargain for the heart

Allow me to take a brief break from low, low prices to do a brief plug for a product with a cause, will you? I’d like you to meet my dear friend Jen. Jen is an immensely talented artist but mostly Jen is just one of those awesome people who is there whenever you...

Mindful Money: Life Insurance

Hey, remember when you were young and carefree and life insurance was for old people? No? That’s because now you’re old and senile. Ha! Everything I want to tell you today can be summed up in this one sentence: You need to have life insurance. The end. But...

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