Another big Clarks sale

Love Clarks shoes? (I do. We all know I have a thing for shoes, and my Clarks continuously last longer and are more comfortable than many of the other brands I own.) Right now when you shop them online, there’s a bevy of clearance items where you can take an...

It’s time for a Gap-a-palooza

Been waiting for a good sale to do some shopping at the Gap family of stores? Today would be a good day to go for it—there’s one-day-discounts you won’t want to miss. At Gap, you can take 40% off nearly everything with coupon code BLUEMON At Old...

Kohls, I’ve missed you

This may be the longest I’ve ever gone in my adult life without swinging by the Kohls website to see what we “need.” Christmas tided me over for, like, a whole month! (Yes, I know it hasn’t been a month since Christmas. I mean I finished...

Pants and more (for less)

They’re clearing the decks over at Dockers, and that means the site is listing a coupon code for 40% extra off sale items, but let’s go one better—take 50% off all already-reduced items with coupon code GIMME50. Shipping is free at $50+, otherwise...

Suit up, men

I don’t usually claim any sort of credit for a deal, but this one is allllllll me, baby. Yes, I’m the reason that right now Men’s Wearhouse is having a ginormous sale and free shipping. Me. Yes. Because when my teenager needed a suit for a formal...

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