by Mir | Jan 12, 2015 | For the kids, Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
Sorry for that absence, there. One of those delightful stomach viruses came to visit our home, so you understand that I had to lay around wishing for my own death for a few days, then tend to my offspring, then burn the house down. You know how it goes. Anyway! Things...
by Mir | Jan 7, 2015 | For the kids, Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
I’m not quite sure how to feel about Aeropostale, because on the one hand, it’s my daughter’s favorite, and not nearly as hoochie as some other options, but on the other, they do seem to offer quite a few questionable items. (Skin tight? Cropped? How...
by Mir | Jan 6, 2015 | Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
Many of my favorite t-shirts come from Shirt.Woot, simply because I’m a sucker for a funny shirt. I just received the #1 ranked shirt in the Top 20, which is their “Go Sports!” design, and I cannot wait to wear it at our Super Bowl party. (Nothing...
by Mir | Jan 5, 2015 | Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
Once a year does a big Lily Pulitzer sale, and today’s the day. Most items are 60% off, and while I think Lily stuff is very, very pretty, 60% off is still pretty rich for my blood. Maybe not for yours, though. Signed, Someone who is wearing a designer...
by Mir | Dec 26, 2014 | For the kids, Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
I didn’t actually mean to take a break from posting this week, but Santa brought me a very special gift a little early this year—the flu! I must’ve been a very good girl, huh? Lucky me. I’m better now, though moving pretty slowly. Here’s...
by Mir | Dec 22, 2014 | For the kids, Hot Hot Hot!, What to Wear
Scrambling for those last-minute gifts? Spend $75+ and order by 4:00 pm PST today at and they’ll get it to you in time for Christmas, for free. Make your procrastination even better: Right now you can use coupon code 6PMCN1222201415812 for an additional...