LensAlert winners, and you’re invited to dinner

By Mir
September 11, 2010
Category Contests

First, let’s get the winners from this week out of the way. Plenty of you could see the appeal of the LensAlert system for keeping track of contact lens wear, and the random number generator has selected our two winners. They are: Thorny (commenter 30) and Lucinda (commenter 25). Congratulations, winners—please check your email!

Big thanks, as always, to everyone who played, and special thanks to our friends at LensAlert for donating the prizes.

As for this weekend, well, you know I’m all about food (ahem). So is Stouffer’s—so much so, in fact, that they’ve recently launched the Let’s Fix Dinner initiative with the help of artist Todd Parr. They’re selling his limited-edition “Let’s Fix Dinner” book to raise money for Habitat for Humanity, but I just happen to have two copies of this adorable book and coordinating placemat sets (so cute!!) to give away to two lucky Want Not readers.

Want to win ’em? Of course you do! First, go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Monday, September 13th, 2010 to be entered. One entry per person, void where prohibited, and I hope you’re eating dinner as a family even without this book. Winners to be determined by random number generation and love for macaroni and cheese.

Ready? Go!


  1. Yes, we eat dinner as a family – sometime with the kids at the bar and me shoveling food in standing in the kitchen… but we are together!

  2. Oooh, I love macaroni and cheese: baked, on the stove, homemade, Kraft, and most especially my grandmother’s baked version with plain Lays potato chips on top. Yum.

  3. Okay, “Otto” was among my daughter’s first words; we LOVE Todd Parr in our house. Even though she’s moved to bigger books, she still occasionally re-reads the Todd Parr books, and her Otto stuffed toy is one of her treasures.

  4. Sounds wonderful!

  5. Yum! Thanks!

  6. Count us in for this one please!

  7. Fun! And we do love mac and cheese!

  8. we do eat dinners as a family, and Mac N Cheese is high on the list!

  9. oh, homemade mac and cheese – that just might need to be on the menu tonight!!

  10. M&C is my daughter’s favorite food. We even have a family song about it!

  11. I love Todd, mac n cheese and Mir!

  12. mmmmm. mac and cheese. that would be great for dinner!

  13. We eat dinner together almost every night. For breakfast and lunch, I hide and the kitchen and pray for a little quiet…

  14. Mmmmmm…who doesn’t love mac and cheese?

  15. While I often say “Pleave remove the helmet and eat your food” and “Please get out from under the table and eat your food”, we do make an attempt at eating as a family.

  16. Homemade mac & cheese, of course!

  17. Stouffers is my favorite frozen food.

  18. Oooh. I love Todd Parr! We have tons of his books. And we work hard to eat together every night. Great idea!

  19. I need all the motivation to get supper made these days as I can get!

  20. My love for mac n cheese knows no bounds…

  21. We eat together when we can – precious little these days – but with a hubby who regularly has to work until after the kids are in bed, weekends are when we eat together.

  22. We love eating as a family, and it is so much more fun now that our son is eating the same foods we are. He turned one on Wednesday… where did the time go??? Thanks for the great giveaways!!!

  23. We love Todd Parr! Yay!

  24. i could always use help in the kitchen

  25. would love to win ! yummy!

  26. Please, please, please, please, please, please (did I say that enough?) bring the Lean Cuisine family/party meals back. I still buy the regular Stouffer’s meals, but miss my Lean Cuisine meals (and I am not talking about those little one person meals). My husband and stepchildren loved the Lean Cuisine Family/Party meals and then they were just snatched away. Boo-hiss.

  27. Since buying a house, we’ve had to start sitting down to a home cooked dinner. Would love some new ideas, though.

  28. Sounds interesting…

  29. We love Todd Parr and we love mac and cheese!

  30. Great giveaway!! Thanks!

  31. How did you know mac & cheese was my fav – that means I’m automatically a winner right?

  32. Would love this! Thanks!

  33. We LOVE mac and cheese, and eating dinner together!

  34. We have an amazing love for mac and cheese! It’s what my son eats for lunch almost every day (no, that doesn’t get boring….)

  35. Todd Parr is awesome!

  36. Yum, mac n cheese, I’m feeling inspired to make some from scratch…

  37. Just made some mac & cheese this week – I had to give it up forquite a while after deciding I couldn’t eat Velveeta in good conscience anymore. :>) Thanks for the chance!

  38. love mac n cheese, sure hope i win!!!

  39. How cute 🙂

  40. Every single time I ask my 3 year old what he wants for lunch he says “ummmm….how ’bout mac n cheese?” like it’s a new food we’ve never tried before.

  41. I like my mom’s mac ‘n cheese, does that count?

  42. Umm… mac and cheese.

  43. What a cute book!! We do have dinner as a family, but I’m always looking for new books to read.

  44. Coolio!

  45. Who doesn’t love mac and cheese?!?

  46. Pick me, pick me!!

  47. Always looking for a good cookbook. Thank-you!

  48. Did someone say “food” !?!

  49. Sounds wonderful! I always need more motivation to cook at home! We eat together as a family but unfortunately it’s mostly at restaurants.

  50. mmmm. mac and cheese. is there a more perfect food?

  51. Macaroni and cheese has been a staple in my house all my life! It’s one food my kids will eat without complaint.

  52. Hubby’s out of town, so we’ll be eating mac and cheese this week, too. And hot dogs. Maybe corndogs if we get fancy.

  53. Mac and cheese….what more could a girl want?

  54. We love Todd Parr’s books at our house!

  55. Yum. Mac & cheese. We like the stuff from a box and homemade (cheese sauce w/tabasco sauce and sausages too – really tasty).
    Oh right – the contest – sign me up, please. That cookbook looks really good!

  56. I’d love a new cookbook, and maybe a good baked mac n cheese!!!

  57. count me in!

  58. we eat dinner, when dinner is ready. Or you don’t eat. They come to the table every time.

  59. Enter us, please!!

  60. Mac and cheese is our family fav. 🙂

  61. I have eaten my body weight in Lean Cuisine so this would be cool

  62. We need to work on our family dinners…

  63. Looks like a really cute book, and what a great cause!

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