Woohoo, y’all liked it here so much, you broke the site… have some patience today, please. A few things are wonky and I swear it’s being worked on. In the meantime… uhhh… you might not want to click on anything.
Site is working again. Phew! Sorry about that!
Hey, what a compliment! I luuurve this new site; the new mom in me (read: the woman currently on unpaid maternity leave, and still paying the bills that seem to arrive heedless of my checking account balance) finds all this stuff tres helpful. And you’re pretty, too.
good stuff for a single mom NOT collecting any child support (bitter? who, ME?! Nahhhhhh)
*patting you on the head* I think you’re pretty too.
WHAHOO!!! Our secret plan of loving Mir to “death” is working.
Seriously, Mir, I’m beyond impressed — I’m thrilled beyond belief that in day one we took your site down from traffic — in a sick way that’s got to feel good, right?
I love you and your bargains. I’m totally going out there and getting myself a gift closet — I guess I can’t plan on my son being anti-social to avoid kid birthday’s huh?
Heheheheh it wasn’t quite the traffic, I don’t think. The CSS got screwed up while trying to repond to some of the “it looks weird in my browser!” complaints. If anyone is a WordPress maven and wants to help, email me. 😉
This site is awesome, Mir. Hurrah!
clickity click