Oh, Swiffer. Is there anything you can’t do?
So check out the Swiffer Holiday Home Tour Sweepstakes, running through December 30th. Go read the fine print, of course, but basically you’re invited to submit a photo of the interior of your home in return for a shot at fabulous prizes. (Or don’t submit a photo, and just say you want prizes!) Things like Swiffer products, or $3,500 towards a home makeover. (I want to say something snarky here about $3,500 being enough to make over a medium-sized closet, but really, it’s free money, so I’ll shut up.)
Sometimes I come here to Want Not, and weep. Why? Because you Americans get all the good shopping and contests! But then, I switch the .com for a .ca and good things happen. Like this: http://www.swiffer.ca/en_CA/sweeps.do?sweeps=swiffer
O Canada!
Oh, Karen! You are pretty, you with your milk in bags! Thanks! 🙂
Don’t thank me. Just send me flowers. Or a framed picture of yourprettyself. Whatever works. 🙂