Remember Wacky Wednesday? Those wild and crazy people over at Thing Fling are at it again—today is Ten Buck Tuesday.
All items $10 or under, including shipping. Something new every 30 minutes, so you can keep checking back all day long and get absolutely nothing done.
d’oh…right now they’re flinging a Monster surge protector…the same one my boyfriend just bought 2 weeks ago for twice the price 🙁
I’ve been paying attention to their site since you brought them to our attention for Wacky Wednesday. They seem to be continually working out newbie kinks in their system as they get things up and running for a lot more users, but they seem to be genuinely nice folks trying to make a go of it. They’ve been responsive when folks have problems and bring them to the boards. Lots of happy customers, too, of course. I’m enjoying their $5 & $10 days–very budget friendly!