Computer virus free, that is. If anyone knows of how to avoid getting a cold for an entire year, I’m all ears.
Anyway, the best way to stay virus-free on your computer is to buy a Mac. Obviously. But if you’re not doing that, for some reason, I suppose you might want to pick up a copy of McAfee Total Protection for up to three users. It’s just $9.99 shipped from today. (Looks like it runs about $40 on Amazon.)
[Insert your favorite Mac vs. PC commercial here. Heh.]
PC-free since…….forever!
Wash your hands with plain’ ol’ Ivory (99.44% pure!) and throw out your “antibacterial” hand “sanitizer”. That stuff does NOTHING – my students test it every year just so I can prove that it doesn’t kill bacteria. 🙂
Mir – I was so excited about this b/c my McAfee subscription expires in a few weeks…but they’re already sold out! I guess that’s one more point for the Mac, eh?
I went almost 2 years without a cold. Whenever I thought I was exposed to anything, I followed this regimen:
Religious hand washing – every time I came into the house, before eating or snacking, every time I touched my infected child, etc.
Airborne (the immunity supplement) 2x a day
Lysterine gargle 2x a day.
Outdoor exercise every day.
I don’t know which thing actually did the trick. But I’ve slacked off on all of the above, and did get a cold this month.
Do you love your Mac? We’re seriously thinking about a laptop for Drama Queen’s 8th grade graduation gift and I’d like to get her a mac. What do you think of yours? Also, any tips on getting a good deal, oh shopping guru?
I think Macs are wonderful. I have never bought one that didn’t work or had problems.
A few good things about Macs:
• As the lovely Mir so succinctly states – less prone to viruses
• Sleek and Stylish, an important factor for Drama Queens (I have of those, too)
• Easy to set up and use, right out of the box, reliable and well-made
• Educational discount – you’ll want to check this out before making your purchase. High School and College students get an educational discount on the purchase of an Apple computer – I think it’s $50 to $75 but it may be more.
The Cons I know:
• Most software and hardware is made for PC. Check before you buy something to be sure it will work with a Mac.
• More expensive that many PCs – you are paying for that sleek, stylish, unique design
That said – Yes! Get her a Mac! She will love it!