Live in the land of Kroger? Coke is on sale at most Krogers.
How much on sale, you ask? Check it out: If you’re in one of the target areas, 4 12-packs of Coke products are $11. But if you buy 4 12-packs, you also qualify for a free 12-pack of Coke Zero.
Also, if you buy 2 12-packs, you get a free 7-ounce Combos snack. You can get up to two of these.
Also, the Coke Zero packs have peel-off coupons for a free 12-pack with the purchase of 3 12-packs.
Got all that? Bottom line: depending on how your local store allows you to combine the deals, you can end up with 5 12-packs of Coke for (assuming you like the Coke Zero enough to get at least 2 packs of it) and 14 ounces of Combos for under $7. If they’re sticky about the coupons, you can still end up with all that for under $10 (probably closer to $8).
[And all of this is unless you live where I live, which is in the greater Atlanta area (which is—it should be noted—where Coca-Cola is headquartered). If you live here, Coke is just on sale for 3 for $10, plus you can get a free case of Coke Plus, but no one actually drinks that, so I’m not calling that one a bargain.]
It is only 3 for $10.00 here in Jackson,MS too. Bummer.
Sob, sob, my Kroger (Indianapolis) has pepsi on sale this week. Boo-Hoo. I am a total diet coke addict. Ah well. Thanks anyway pretty Mir.
My dearly beloved actually DOES drink Coke Zero.
Go figure.
And I am somewhat north of Atlanta by a couple few hours and I don’t know of a Kroger around here, so bummer.