Feed your need for caffeine, cheap

By Mir
January 10, 2008

Live in the land of Kroger? Coke is on sale at most Krogers.

How much on sale, you ask? Check it out: If you’re in one of the target areas, 4 12-packs of Coke products are $11. But if you buy 4 12-packs, you also qualify for a free 12-pack of Coke Zero.

Also, if you buy 2 12-packs, you get a free 7-ounce Combos snack. You can get up to two of these.

Also, the Coke Zero packs have peel-off coupons for a free 12-pack with the purchase of 3 12-packs.

Got all that? Bottom line: depending on how your local store allows you to combine the deals, you can end up with 5 12-packs of Coke for (assuming you like the Coke Zero enough to get at least 2 packs of it) and 14 ounces of Combos for under $7. If they’re sticky about the coupons, you can still end up with all that for under $10 (probably closer to $8).

[And all of this is unless you live where I live, which is in the greater Atlanta area (which is—it should be noted—where Coca-Cola is headquartered). If you live here, Coke is just on sale for 3 for $10, plus you can get a free case of Coke Plus, but no one actually drinks that, so I’m not calling that one a bargain.]


  1. It is only 3 for $10.00 here in Jackson,MS too. Bummer.

  2. Sob, sob, my Kroger (Indianapolis) has pepsi on sale this week. Boo-Hoo. I am a total diet coke addict. Ah well. Thanks anyway pretty Mir.

  3. My dearly beloved actually DOES drink Coke Zero.

    Go figure.

    And I am somewhat north of Atlanta by a couple few hours and I don’t know of a Kroger around here, so bummer.

Bargain Hunt





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