I’m all about having a GPS unit if you’re directionally-challenged. It’s one of the few “fancy gadgets” I feel is truly justifiable—it’s just safer to know where you’re going. And if you’re like me, you really need a copilot to make that happen. I will sing the praises of my GPS until I expire. (They can print “Audrey told her to go this way” on my tombstone.)
The problem, of course, is finding the right one, for the right price. Consider this Tom Tom ONE 3rd edition from Buy.com, perhaps. It’s refurbished and the current price is $119.98 with an available $20 mail-in rebate if you purchase by April 20th. That’s a highly-rated GPS unit for just under $100. (To compare: Check the ratings and the price over at Amazon.)
Also keep an eye on your email if you’re a regular Buy.com customer; some folks are receiving special bonus Google Checkout offers for $25 off $75 from them. That would make this excellent deal an insane deal, the kind where you blurt it out to total strangers.
Not that I’ve ever done that. Ahem.
i own that particular TomTom. i LOVE it. i highly recommend it to anyone wanting to purchase a well-priced and reliable GPS.
Sweet! We have been wanting one of these forever! I just got it for $89. My husband will be thrilled and we won’t fight over directions in the car anymore! Thanks Mir!
I wish I was on the Buy.com email list. If anyone is and won’t be using that particular coupon and wants to pass the deal on to me, I”ll take it. I don’t have a TomTom. My daughter has a NavMan with a woman’s voice so she calls it her NavGirl and we played with it on a recent trip and LOVED it.
You can contact me here if your are so inclined to pass the coupon on
Nice! I’ve been borrowing my mom’s new Nuvi to see if I want one and and man, it is terrible. Gets me lost every time. I think she just got a possessed one, though – but still, it’s nice to see some good reviews on this TomTom since I hadn’t heard much about the brand otherwise.
Just be sure that your Tom-Tom has the most current and up to date maps…unlike most of the GPS systems out there, Tom-Tom isn’t offering a 1 year map update…a friend of mine only got 90 days…there were no updates in those 90 days, but around day 120, new updates came out – in order to get the update, he would have had to pay $40.