Hey, I forgot one thing in my previous post about saving money on groceries—I totally scoop up the food deals on Amazon. I get snacks for the kids and such for less, plus it gets delivered right to my door. Score!
I just came across this deal on qualifying Beigel Beigel snacks. Spend $29+ and you can take off another $10 with coupon code BEIGEL05 (and it’s all already on sale, too). Their pretzels are 100% natural, made of whole grains, and really, who doesn’t like pretzels? Communists, that’s who. (I’m kidding. Please, no hatemail from people who are allergic to pretzels or who are friendly communists.)
Although I’ve taken to making most of our snack food from scratch, I’ve yet to figure out how to make pretzels. This may be an acceptable alternative.
Dude, Google search!
One of the top results is http://www.ehow.com/how_2067783_make-pretzels.html
There’s even a video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw4ARIKQkdo
There are a whole bunch of results, and although it takes some work, it’s fun to make homemade pretzels, and they taste sooo good when they’re fresh and hot!