Fridays were made for Amazon

By Mir
September 5, 2008

(At first I was going to say that Amazon and Fridays go together like chocolate and peanut butter, but then I remembered that my daughter has suddenly turned up with a peanut allergy, so that just seemed kind of mean. Whoops!)

There’s so many reasons to shop at Amazon today, it’s nutty. First, there’s the Friday Five, five MP3 album downloads for just $5 each. Then, there’s a whole new crop of grocery clearance for September (use code CLRNCFTY to take an additional 55% off mostly already-reduced prices). And finally—of course—there’s the Amazon Friday Sale.

Need a tent?

There’s lots of cookware set deals in the sale, today: Choose from KitchenAid ($129.99), Calphalon ($139.99), or Cuisinart ($149.99).

I am sorely tempted to buy this fancy Cuisinart slow cooker, as it’s both very purty and has a timer (something my current crockpot lacks)… but it’s only 4 quarts. It’d be perfect for cooking smaller amounts, of course.

Got allergies? Get the Dyson DC17, specifically for asthma and allergies. (Yeah, it’s still really expensive. But $80 less than anywhere else.)

You know how hypoallergenic pillows usually cost an arm and a leg? These ones only cost a couple of fingers.

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone, and remember—friends don’t let friends pay full retail!


  1. Mir,
    If you want to fancy up your current crock pot with a timer without shellling out for a new one, just do what I did and use a simple lamp timer. My husband works in the evening, so that means that anything in the crock has to be done by noon if he wants to be able to eat it. And that situation translates into me getting up at 4AM to turn on the crock pot, which is not going to happen. So I just plug the crock into a lamp timer, set it to turn on at 4 and off at 12 and, voila! No early mornings for me.

  2. WOW Shannon, that is a fabulous idea, I’d really never thought of.

  3. hee hee, do you think those two Shannons are the same person? or is it two different Shannons, one complimenting the other?

  4. Totally got a whole slew of good stuff groceries. $54.47 worth of stuff that was already on sale for $25, with free shipping. Thanks!!

  5. Got grocery clearance. Thanks!

  6. I got a Dyson asthma/allergy/pet/ball refurbished through Amazon for close to half off a couple of months ago! It’s FABULOUS!!!!

  7. Holly made me laugh.

  8. Wow, Mir, I got over $80 in groceries for $39 thanks to this post. Thank you!

  9. Oooh! Ingrid Michaelson’s “Boys & Girls” is in the Friday Five! We already have it, but I wanted to put a plug in for its total awesomeness. Seriously–go give it a listen and consider buying it. She’s absolutely great.

    My personal favorite is the last on the album, “Far Away.” And you’ll probably recognize “The Way I Am” from last fall/winter’s Old Navy commercials.

    Anyway–she’s great! Give her a listen!

    (NB: My husband also says that Wire’s “Pink Flag” is also fantastic.)

  10. ok, this:

    You know how hypoallergenic pillows usually cost an arm and a leg?

    made me think – again – of that horrid arm pillow. Instead of costing and arm, you could just buy an arm … ew.

  11. LOL Holly!

    Although I do think that I am totally awesome, I don’t have the time to go around complimenting myself in blog comments, lol! Maybe I should keep that in mind for the days when I’m feeling blue though.

  12. I’m thinking of replacing my crockpot. I use it a lot, and it’s going to bite the dust some day. I could buy myself an early Christmas present…

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