Shady, but free

By Mir
October 2, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Without us getting into any sort of debate of formula vs. breast, here, I’m just going to say that I have a philosophical issue with formula companies claiming to support breastfeeding. Because, well, no.

Nevertheless, if you’re a fan of Enfamil and want to get some free formula samples, you can get them in the form of this free breastfeeding kit. Which includes formula.

(Excuse me, I have to go bang my head on the desk for a little while, now.)


  1. Linky link doesn’t work.
    And I so would have loved to see what Enfamil wants to give me for nursing my toddler…

  2. The kit also contains a booklet with actually helpful breastfeeding information… and a paragraph that made me laugh (I wish I could find it around here, but the author basically says that formula companies offering breastfeeding support is a marketing gimmick and you shouldn’t listen to them).

  3. I’m a nurser, too, but sometimes order free formula samples to donate to the woman’s shelter or, if you don’t want to support formula-feeding whatsoever, donate them to the humane society. They can use the formula to feed stray kittens. Who doesn’t love kittens?!

  4. I nursed, but had to supplement as my supply never increased enough no matter what I did. So, free formula is a nice treat for some of us! And I agree, the booklet that comes in the kit is full of great tips regarding nursing.

  5. I take the bag at the hospital, get any coupon for fisher-price, Tylenol, etc… that may be in it,then throw the rest out. The weird thing is, I still sometimes get cans of infant formula in the mail, even though my now 2 1/2 year old never took formula. The companies seem to think I’m perpetually pregnant and/or have a newborn.

  6. I’ve enjoyed your website. Thanks for your research.

    I’m a nursing mom, and up until DD was six months, she never had any formula. But since she’s so low on the % charts, my pedi told me to use formula w/ her cereal.

    Also, it’s okay for cats to drink formula? What about dogs?

  7. are you kidding me?!

  8. Please don’t knock it. I nursed both my kids, and with #1 it was a piece of cake. #2 had issues latching on, and my milk didn’t come in for two days, and I was exhausted and a hormonal slobbery mess. And he was a hungry wailing mess.

    One bottle of formula (from a pack that was given to me at the hospital, in a breastfeeding support bag) and eight hours of sleep later, my milk was in, we started to figure out the latching, and we were all better for it.

    If you don’t want the formula, donate it to the woman’s shelter, they can always use it.

  9. don’t forget us adoptive mothers! Free formula is a wonderful thing! If you’re getting free formula in the mail, donate it to an adoption agency for their adoptive parents. Adoption is already so expensive, that every little bit saved helps!

    And I see your point Mir, but I’ve known so many people that really do breastfeed and supplement with formula.

  10. Okay, I’m feeling the need to clarify. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with formula feeding. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with breastfeeding and supplementing with formula. I just find it very odd to call it a breastfeeding kit and then include formula. It’s a philosophical thing, sure. But why not call it a supplementation kit? It just feels dishonest to me.

    I’m obviously not knocking it, or I wouldn’t have posted it. πŸ™‚

  11. Agreed. The marketing department is advertising dishonestly. Free formula samples are proven to undermine breastfeeding, so they obviously don’t belong in any “breastfeeding kit”. Looks like they’re trying to use the positive image of breastfeeding as a false cover to promote their products. πŸ˜›

  12. Don’t forget to say you are exclusively breastfeeding on their form (even if you aren’t). You get a lot more free formula and coupons that way. πŸ˜‰

  13. Isn’t it the same philosophy that has RJ Reynolds both making and marketing cigarettes while at the same time running a huge campaign to get folks to quit smoking?

  14. Wanna talk shady and forumula? Talk Nestle, esp. in developing countries.

    (My apologies, Mir, if this is getting too political. Feel free to delete it.)

    Your local food pantry or homeless shelter (that accepts women & children) might really be able to use it as well.

    …also, my local infant/toddler resale shop buys unopened formula and sells it for significantly less than local stores. So try bringing it there and see if you can get resale credit for it!

  15. ADifferentLaura says:

    IsnÒ€ℒt it the same philosophy that has RJ Reynolds both making and marketing cigarettes while at the same time running a huge campaign to get folks to quit smoking?

    actually they are required to run ads and programs as part of the settlement in lawsuits.

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