Right now there’s various ways to get free shipping at Toys R Us; select items ship for free with your $49+ order, and some other items just have free shipping, period.
But that’s not even the good news. The good news is that it’s Friends and Family week! And we’re all friends, right? And don’t you have a family? Of course you do! So why shouldn’t you reap the savings? Just use coupon code 922600 through October 11th, 2008, to take an additional 20% off your purchase. [Edited to add: It looks like the coupon terms have been changed; a $75 minimum purchase is now required to use the coupon.] Some items are excluded (gift cards, iPods, video game hardware, diapers, formula), but it works on ‘most everything else.
It appears to work on video game preorders, even. Not that I checked, or anything. Ahem.
Sending lots of hits your way! Great deal!
The coupon code didn’t work for me. Am I doing something wrong?
I couldn’t get the promo to work…any suggestions?
Hmmm… are you ladies buying something that might be an exclusion?
Whoops, looks like it’s been changed to require a purchase minimum. My apologies—will edit the post right now.
It works. I just had a minimum purchase. Thanks.
Thank you so much! I’m using it to save oodles of money on a new carseat for my daughter!
Unfortunately you can’t use it with the free shipping promo they have going on. When you enter in this promo it takes away your free shipping.
Looks like it’s dead. I just tried it and got an “unknown code” error.
Thanks so much! I just saved a ton on a new carseat, and the product-specific free shipping still applied!
Yes I am using it for my Britax car seat too. Saves alot. Thanks for posting it!
I just used it and got a good deal on a Britax car seat. The Britax car seats have free shipping right now. Thank you!
Yay! Thanks! I just used it for the Baby Bjorn i’ve been wanting!