The wind is howling, the snow is falling (well, maybe where you are, anyway), and it’s a good time to hide under a blanket and sip some really good cocoa. Trust me on this.
Right now at Amazon, they’re offering 20% off Ghirardelli hot chocolate products with coupon code GHIRA444. And most of those products are already a third off, so the final price is quite nice.
If you want to really earn the Want Not seal of planning, go ahead and stock up for next year’s holiday gifts. (It’s okay, they’re sealed and shelf-stable.) I won’t tell anyone, and I’ll secretly be so proud of you.
Oh you are my favorite person ever! I was just wishing not an hour ago that I had remembered to ask for some of this on my Christmas wishlist over the holidays because I just used up the last of my previous stash recently. I love the chocolate hazelnut version. Yum!
Aww, man– has to be the seller but it’s only offered through other sellers on there. 🙁 The code’s good thru 1/31, maybe they’ll restock in time.