So, today only (Thursday, March 26th, 2009), all Naturalizer shoes at are just $19.95. I took a quick look and there are hundreds of shoes from which to choose, some of which are really, really cute.
Does this mean that Naturalizer has gotten more hip over the years, or that I am now officially old and find ugly shoes adorable? (Don’t answer that.)
The link isn’t going anywhere for me. And the fact that I’m taking the time to tell you that means that their shoes are obviously much more awesome than when our mothers’ wore them.
Ditto Megan…
Sorry, link is fixed.
Dang, you’re right. When did Naturalizer shoes get so cute? I thought they were old lady kind of shoes, but I guess I was wrong.
You did specify that “some” are very cute, and yes, you are right. Some are cute, others are very… not.
The Azle ones on the last page are even almost sexy.
…and the sexy Azle on the last page are only available in size 9 and 10. Must be some other hoochie mamas out there who also like their comfort.
I’d like someone young and hip to answer – because, while hip, I am no longer young and I’d like to know whether my age is affecting my judgment and, therefore, my hip-ness.
I found shoes for me AND for my mom! In the correct widths! I am in HEAVEN right now.
Ahhh, shoes.
I love you AND my size 10 feet right now.
48 is young AND hip, right?
I just had an epiphany – they MUST be young, hip shoes, because my 14 year old daughter has coveted my “Calandra” sandals for a year. Now I can find her a similar pair (with a slightly lower heel).
That’s OK. You’ll be in these soon enough.
i would not call the shoes sexy….. but i will say that many of the strap-thin shoes would make excellent day shoes.
o and i am 21. so i think that makes me young… so i think they are doing well breaking out of the ” old theme”
i don’t know that these shoes would be my first pick but they would not be last.
Are you kidding me? Now I feel old. While there are those shoes that no one should wear (ummm…flounder?), others are decidedly cute!
I’m 28 and I picked up a pair of the Dunlays in black. I think they are adorable and they have great reviews on a lot of other sites.
Mir, Mir, Mir, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…one, two, three, four, FIVE! Five pairs of deliciously lovely shoes arrived in the mail for me today and I paid a measley $106 including shipping. I wear a 5 1/2 and hate to go shoe shopping…so really, I owned five pair of shoes. But now I own ten! I had a Naturalizer shoe in my closet (that I wear every freakin’ day) and so I knew what size I was and that they would fit.
Hope you don’t mind but I gave you a virtual kiss on my FB status tonight because I was so happy – and I included a link to your site. Like you NEED any more traffic over here – my GOODNESS!
Wish you could have seen my dh eyes pop out of his head when he saw me open the box and reveal five shoe boxes. Oh how he loves you too, once I calmed him down from what was a near heart attack just thinking about the hundreds I must have spent…he he he