Recently a bunch of you have asked for a free shipping code for Lands’ End, and I sadly reported that it didn’t look like one was going to be available. I even asked through the affiliate channel (that’s where I directly pester the person who manages the affiliate program, which I’m sure he really loves, because I only ever contact him to say things like, “My readers sure would like free shipping!”) and was told no, there are no forthcoming codes.
And then today they emailed me one. Ha! Oh, coupon fates—you’re so fickle!
Okay, so, the email also said that today (May 5th, 2009) only, select shoes and sandals are up to 40% off (there’s a big graphic on the splash page about it), but then it gave me the free shipping code, and naturally you can use that on anything. I’m not sure when it expires, though. It might only be good for today, in which case you’d best hurry up.
Use coupon code MAY5 and PIN 8563.
Happy free shipping!
I remember that when you posted the backpack deal, a bunch of people were distraught that the junior backpack wasn’t on sale. It is now, $11.99 in the overstocks section….
bless you Mir and my children’s summer feet bless you too.
I would say not to bother on that junior backpack. We ordered the regular one and have already gone through 3 of them. They are very junky/cheap and the bottoms have ripped on all 3 in less than a couple weeks each. Lands End has replaced them but, if I had paid full price it would have been returned immediately. So much for an expensive pack lasting longer. I guess we’ll stick with Target and just buy a new one every year.
Okay, I bought the pink sandals I’ve had my eye on! Thanks for the tip!
Wow, Beth, seriously?? We bough the regular Ergo packs and have been using them ever since—they still look new. What exactly where you loading yours with?
thanks, I have been waiting for a free shipping code I can use on overstocks. Just got the boy’s winter boots and hat. Such a deal!
Nice, big kisses to you! Thanks!!
Beth, that’s the first I EVER heard that! we’ve been using our LE backpacks for 3+ years still perfect shape and I know they’ve been dragged a bit too
I’m also surprised that the LE backpacks have given Beth so much trouble! We’ve had two of them and if it weren’t for the kids writing on them, they’d still be like brand new!
I bought, Mir! Swimsuit tops, too. Thanks for the sale info and codes!
Yeah, I think we just got a bad batch or something. The packs do have the LE logo on them but, they are really really thin and just cheap looking. Not at all what I expected for an expensive bag. They have only been used by my first grader to carry one binder, a reading book, and his lunch-bag. He does drag them sometimes but the wear is just ridiculous. The bottom has no extra durable layer or anything at all and the zippers seem to get stuck a-lot (the fabric gets caught in them easily).
Thanks sooooo much! I just ordered my Summer shoes.