Anyone who knows me knows that I can get lost on my way to my own house. It’s a special gift. The gift of directional stupidity!
Thank goodness for my GPS unit. It has saved me more than once.
And yeah, someday maybe I’ll upgrade to one with Text-To-Speech (that means it says the street names out loud, too, not just “turn right”), but if you want GPS on the cheap, regular turn-by-turn directions are still pretty good, and a lot less expensive.
Today Amazon is offering a refurbished TomTom ONE 130 for just $69.99 shipped. That’s already a pretty good deal on a unit with good reviews, but there’s also an available $20 mail-in rebate, meaning it ends up being yours for under $50.
It’s hard to put a price on not getting lost, but at that price, even those of you who aren’t perpetual wanderers can probably afford a GPS.
Just bought this. It comes in handy since we’re leaving for our first annual cross-country roadtrip in a few weeks. Thanks!
Do they make a GPS for motel hallways, hospital corridors…