I remember buying myself a 16MB thumb drive, long ago. 16 entire megabytes! More space than I could ever possibly need! And I think I paid about $50 for it, on clearance, and I was plenty proud of myself for snagging such a great deal.
Go ahead and laugh. I know I am.
Fast forward to today: Now you can pick up a 16GB 2.0 thumb drive from Buy.com for $24.99 shipped. That’s 16 gigabytes—I’ll admit to being not very good at math, but that’s 1,000 times the storage of my old thumb drive, right? For half the price?
You young whippersnappers today have no idea how hard we had it back in the old days. Did I mention I had to walk uphill for miles in the snow without shoes for that old drive…?
Wow. I got an 8GB two months ago for $18 and thought that was a good deal but this is great. Perfect gift for my BIL.
We bought this very same drive for what we thought was a good deal a month or so ago. I just ordered another b/c we are trying to be better at backing up our photos. Thank you!
Man. I just paid about that for 4 GB.
You and your Buy.com posts are dangerous… I mean, because they are so good. I have a great label maker and some solar lights… and soon, a ginormous thumb drive, thanks to you!
I had to laugh as my hubby and I were just talking about this. I got a 512MB memory card for my digital camera and paid $80(!!!) a little while back. (OK, it was a few years ago, but I hate to date myself technologically-speaking). Now you can get 4-6 times the memory for something like $12 on sale. Bye bye to CD’s for backing up my photos!
Man, I missed out…not it’s 34 bucks shipped! Oh well, that is still a pretty good deal!
We are in the middle of the biggest family rummage sale known to man, and I just ran across a box of the old 5 inch “floppy” (literally) disks from my college days in 1980-something! I was explaining to my 10 year old niece that everything was “DOS” in those days, “Windows” was yet to exist, and we had to back up everything on those flimsy black disks! Needless to say, she looked at me in horror…then ask “what is DOS?” Yikes, talk about making me feel old quick! 🙂