Ooooh, looks like the 30 minute Flip Ultra Camcorder is down to $49.99 shipped at Amazon, today (thanks, Megumi!)—that’s crazy low for a non-refurbished unit!
Has Dad been wanting one of these for Father’s Day? Have you been saving your pennies for one so that you can capture those awesome summer moments? (Yes, my kid cannonballing off the board into the pool and then hauling himself out, oblivious to his sagging swim trunks, is what passes for an awesome moment ’round here….)
I carry my Flip around in my purse, and I never thought I’d tote a camcorder. It’s tiny. And I never miss the good stuff, anymore.
So much prom night blackmail material, so little time….
You guys SO rock! That was a price I just couldn’t pass up.
Me, too!
Again, you are awesome and so is Megumi.
Thank you!
Wow. Good deal.
Never had one, but it looks very cool, esp. with a new baby on the way….ordered one for Father’s day!
Too cheap to pass up. Can’t wait for my new toy!
Mir, today was going to be the day I didn’t buy anything from Amazon. I had to change that to tomorrow.
My kids each have one and they tape EVERYTHING!! The cameras are so easy to use and uploading to the computer is so easy. they really are the greatest camera ever (to quote my teenager)
Thank you. Father’s day is nearly done now. Although this is the 3rd video camera I’ve got him – third times the charm.
The Flips are soooo cool. I actually have one–the HD Mino. Costs more, but it’s HD! As if I can tell the difference. We filmed the cat for about a week, now it’s in a drawer somewhere and we are back to our usual ways.
Thanks so much for this tip, Mir. I desperatley needed one of these…and what a price!