If you’ve been biding your time, waiting for the right deal to come along on a Flip camcorder, today may just be your day.
The current promotion at Amazon allows you to choose your Flip model and then receive a qualifying accessory for free. But for some reason, the promotion has a glitch—instead of deducting the price of the accessory in your cart, it’s deducting the price of the accessory twice.
And for some reason, this Case Logic case is currently (over)priced at $52.09.
Pick your Flip. Add the case. Get the case for free, and another $52 off your Flip.
(They’re sure to figure this out and fix it pretty quickly, so move fast if you want the deal.)
[Edited Thursday morning to add: Looks like orders are now being canceled. Congrats to those of you whose orders shipped before they caught it!]
Unless I’m doing something wrong (and I could well be), the cart is not deducting the cost of the case even once, so maybe it’s not a ‘qualifying accessory’ anymore?
I *was* doing it wrong – I just had to select the seller as Amazon.com instead of the third party and it worked. Thanks, Mir!
It worked for me. Deducted $52.09 twice ending up for both at $83.08! Thanks Mir.
I bow to your shopping prowess. One Christmas gift down, a few dozen more to go!
Sure didn’t work for me. Wonder what I am doing wrong.
Still working. I paid $5 for that case for my camera — it is nice, but not worth $52.09. After going with free shipping, the total came to $76.91! WooHoo! Now I can record my daughter’s swim meets! Thanks, Mir.
Got it to work! Sweet!
Thanks Mir!
I just tried it and it worked. It took a couple of times. You have to go all the way through past the free shipping to see the discount but you see it before you have to click pay.
yay mir!! i got it, too.
It took two tries but I got it to work!
I got the yellow flip and the bag for 73. Hope this works!
Holy Crap! It worked….I decided to go for the HD model, which is $179.00, but ordered the case AND signed up for the free trial on the “Amazon Prime” membership to get free 2 day shipping, so I got the HD, 120-min model, a case, and 2-day shipping for $126.91!!!!!!
LOVE your site!! Thanks for scoping out the bargains for us!!
Success for me as well. My son will be psyched come December 25th! Thanks O’Shopping Goddess!
not for me… guess i’ll try again
Worked for me! Great timing with the birthday coming up on Saturday!
I got two! I had to place two seperate orders for it to work.Now as I’m typing this I may need a third – who was I kidding thinking I could give one to my Dad and brother for Christmas and not get one myself. 🙂
Simply Incredible!!!
still working! Thank you.
Still working. A Flip HD is on its way to our home!
Still working…It was easy for me. It showed right up in the proceed to checkout area where I switched my shipping method to Super Saver. I did three different transactions and snagged Christmas presents for all. 🙂 Thanks Mir. You are so pretty.
Nice! We’ve been waiting for a good deal to come along on the HD version.
I like a deal as much as the next guy, but this one feels like stealing to me. Taking advantage of a glitch doesn’t seem right to me. If I go through the grocery checkout, and the cashier forgets to ring up the soda I have underneath the cart, I don’t think – cool! free soda! I go back and tell her and have her ring it up and pay for it. This price glitch feels similar to me.
Sweet! Got the pink/white one for myself…I’ve been wanting one FOREVER.
Working still.
I figure it’s worth taking a chance – we all know Amazon is notorious for noticing these things after the fact and canceling the orders. On the off chance it works, I’ve got an awesome little video camera for our upcoming adventures in Colorado! Thanks Mir!
We’ll see what happens for sure. I got an email saying that the Flip had shipped but the case had not. Later I got an email stating that there was a mess-up with the promotion and the order had been cancelled. We shall see what happens in the end. BTW, In the email stating that the Flip had shipped it said that it was only charging me for the part of the order that had been shipped and the total was going to be $54.80. We shall see – no skin off my nose if it is actually cancelled.
Just received notification that the order was cancelled 🙁 Oh well – worth a shot 🙂
Well, they not only figured it out after my order went through…they canceled it this morning. 🙁 If they make the error, they should honor it!!
My order was cancelled, too. 🙁
They canceled mine, too. (Sad trombone.)
I was wondering, Mir, do you get chastised by your affiliates when you post something like this?
BOO HOO – order cancelled on me as well 🙁
Kudos to Laura_F, for being a better person than me; comment #23
yes, I too am curious what will become of this, as my order has already shipped as well and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow since I have amazon prime. I wonder if they will only cancel the case. Fine by me!
i also got a cancellation notice, but mine was just delivered. (it’s so cute!) amazon deducted only $54 from my bank account, so it looks good to me. it comes with a little case, so who cares if they cancel that part.
on another note, if amazon makes the mistake, they should honor that price. i work in retail and if my store incorrectly signs or prices something, the customer gets the better price. that’s not stealing. why would this be?
I worked in retail for 7 years and we always had to honor pricing errors too. I agree with crazyjane that Amazon should do it as well.
Mine was canceled as well. 🙁
Well, I got the cancellation notice as well, but apparently they only cancelled the $56 case because my Flip recorder is currently en route. And I was charged $60 for it (including shipping), so I still saved a bunch of money!
Honestly, I don’t feel the least bit bad for getting such a great deal on it, either. I think it’s only right for them to honor the posted price. It basically boils down to something scanning wrong in a retail store, which I doubt anyone would argue with the cashier about. Plus, I highly doubt that Amazon is losing a whole lot of money over the deal.