Although I am slightly disappointed that my beloved Time Capsule doesn’t allow me to travel back in time so that I can have a really good chocolate malt, I do appreciate how it automatically keeps my computer backed up and I never have to worry again about experiencing a catastrophic crash and realizing I haven’t backed up for a month.
Not that that’s ever happened to me, before. (Not more than once, anyway. Ahem.)
Today has a refurbished Time Capsule for just $170 shipped, which is another $20 or so off of the price of getting it directly from Apple.
It’s a back-up drive, it’s a router, it slices and dices and makes julienne fries with ease. Well, the first two, anyway. Not a bad deal if you were thinking about getting one, is my point.
Malt = barley — not GF diet friendly. 🙁
I didn’t enter the contest for the Swagbag, but I have a friend who did. Who won this? Thanks.