Despite the fact that occasionally an Amazon grocery deal doesn’t quite come together for me, I remain committed to using them to stock up on many of the more expensive snack foods my kids love. I guess I figure that even with the occasional snafu, it still works out most of the time and saves me big bucks.
With that in mind, allow me to suggest Amazon’s current deal on Nature’s Path and EnviroKidz products. Save 35% when you combine 20% off coupon code NATPAT67 with Subscribe & Save (which will also give you free shipping).
It looks like the chocolate rice crispy bars are sold out, but the berry crispy rice bars are also very good, and come out to about $.33 apiece on this deal. (Both those and the peanut butter rice bars are gluten-free, if you need that, plus their vanilla animal cookies are one of the better GF cookies I’ve had).
It’s great prices on tasty organic stuff, and I will spare you my amusement over there being such a thing as an organic toaster pastry. Ahem. I’m sure that pioneers had ones just like that before they headed out to work the fields.
So, tell me, Mir, how do you get the Subscribe & Save deal and coupon codes to work together? I can get the S&S to work, but in the past couple of super-fab deals (including the $5 EnviroKidz too-good-to-be-true deal), I’ve had to email Amazon and ask them to apply the coupons for me, as the system wouldn’t accept them on the checkout page. I admit I’m not tech-savvy, but, really, entering a coupon code in a box isn’t that hard. 🙂
I just wanted to add on this more recent post about my outcome with aforementioned snafu. 🙂
My order was still listed as open so I just hit the link to contact the seller. I asked for my order to be canceled and in a coupla days I got an email from Amazon (not Vitamin Shoppe) that it had been canceled and that my card was not charged. No problem.
I’ve been without electricity for a few days so am behind in reading (and yes, that was just as much fun as you are imagining it to be in the heat and humidity of August), but did anyone get the envirokidz snacks that Vitamin Shoppe had so economically priced on Amazon recently? First I got notice of back order and now the order has been canceled.
Sorry – I just read the info. I’ll go back to my corner and fold my hands quietly in my lap now. Or perhaps I can go pick up some more limbs!
I received my order from Vitamin Shoppe, but it was for ONE box. I would never pay $5 for ONE box of 6 snacks, but I guess it has been a lesson learned.
I just want to pipe up and say that my kids LOVE the toaster pastries. They are the only “Pop-Tarts” I buy, and they are the most favorite snack item, even more than the Trader Joe’s cereal bars. 🙂