In the beginning, there was the Wii, and it was good.
And it ate batteries, and that was not so good. So I bought the cheapest rechargeable batteries/charging station combo I could find, because I’m cheap, and… it didn’t really work. You had to peel the sleeves off every time, which was a pain, and the batteries didn’t seem to hold a charge. Which quite frankly was even worse.
And then we went to regular rechargeables, which meant we were constantly stealing batteries from cameras and remotes and such to feed the wiimotes.
But now, I’m picking up one of these Drop and Charge Stations where you don’t even have to take the skins off—close proximity is enough to charge the batteries. Today it’s just $11.99 shipped from, which totally beats Amazon’s regular price.
And then maybe I can have my camera batteries back.
I’m a little skeptical – ALL of the reviews say it doesn’t work with the sleeves on…
Sold! Even if I have to take the sleeves off, it’s better than all the batteries I’m going through.
Just a warning – using the rechargers will void your warranty. We had one (a different brand) and it actually killed our wii remote.
I am very fond of the Energizer rechargables – they last forever in cameras and Wiimotes, and the charger just plugs into a regular outlet – it doesn’t need room for a stand charger.
Yes, it’s a little expensive to get it all set up, but we use AA batteries like crazy here, so it payed for itself in no time.
I’m scared of the reviews– could you report back after you’ve tried this out?