My name is Mir, and I admit that I’m powerless over my addiction to… lip balm.
I have lip balm in my purse. At my desk. In my car. On my nightstand. I cannot stand having dry lips. Stop looking at me like that.
I recently received an eos lip balm “ball” (it comes in a round plastic case) and I love it both because it’s organic and tingly and because it’s incredibly easy to locate in my purse because of its size and shape. Also? It tastes like candy canes. (Yes, I’m 11, apparently.)
Want one for yourself? Eos is giving away 50,000 of them, so go sign up to get your free lip balm.
Just say no to chapped lips, and yes to free. (I should have that made into a bumper sticker or something.)
wooooo! My sister just got me an eos sphere, and I LOVE it! It’s sooooo easy to find in my purse!
Darn. The site’s not working right now though 🙁
Um, it’s still working for me, Emily. I think it uses Flash, so if your browser doesn’t support that, you may have a problem. (Alternatively, it takes a second to start loading, so you may just need to be a bit more patient.)
hello, I am a fellow lip stuff addict. thank you for feeding my habits! 🙂
got mine, and also posted it to FB…fun!
That is a trippy little website, but it looks like cool stuff. Thanks!
I made an attempt to register for one, but I think I’ll just forget about it and then be pleasantly surprised if, six to eight weeks from now, a free lip balm appears in my mailbox.
I too am in love with lip balm, but we’re not exclusive — I have a thing going on with lip gloss, too. Not too long ago, my husband told me “I love how your lips always smell good and non-lip-like.” Yes, darling. Kiss me on my non-lip-like lips.
I think you crashed their server, Mir!
It says “please be patient”, but, you know, I’m not! 😉
I think they are putting something in lip balm that makes us addicted. I too have lip balms all over the place and use it obsessively.
me TOO with the lip balm. if i don’t use it i start biting my lips and then they’re just a mess. this was my favorite BlogHer freebie.
Ooh, I’m an addict too. Thanks for the hookup!
Thanks, Mir! I have the same affinity for lip gloss, so this will totally make my day! 🙂
Thanks – what a great deal and what a cute little lip gloss. I also like their Facebook thingy where you have to respond to the question “what if women ran the world…” i liked scrolling through some of the responses. 🙂
When I tried to go, it says they will be back in ten minutes!
Got mine…thanks!
Super cool. Thanks, pretty.
It all started with that insidious Bonne Belle Lip Smacker in the 8th grade . . .
They still say 10 minutes… I think we broke them!
Thanks! I can’t wait to try it.
All I get is the Flash load screen and then a blank white screen. I’m thinking they couldn’t handle the traffic….
Tried Firefox instead of Safari browser and it worked great.
Thank, Mir. I’m always up for more lip balm. I have them stashed all over the place. And free? I can’t argue with that!
Darn, they’re out. But has BOGO deals on the spheres.
This looks really cool. Their website said they were sending a $1 coupon to my inbox, but I never did get it. I might buy one without the coupon, although it seems kind of pricy for lip balm…