It’s a dreary, rainy Monday morning, and things could be extremely bleak around here.
But! I know how y’all like label makers. (Why? I don’t know. You are a bunch of highly organized folks, I guess.)
Today you can go all top-of-the-line: has the Brother PT-1880 Deluxe labeler for just $12 shipped. (For comparison and review purposes, check it out at Amazon, where it’s still $40.)
You can become even more organized, yourself, or you can totally get some brownie points for Junior by stocking up on teacher gifts. Just sayin’.
Hope my daughter’s kindergarten teacher likes to label things, because I just ordered her the label maker and a pack of labels for a Christmas gift! Thanks Mir!
Nice song reference. Have you seen the Joe Jonas version?
As of 10 am Central, the Brother label maker at is saying “sold out.”