I may just need one

By Mir
November 5, 2009

Ever since the acquisition of Nonobaddog (not really her name, but it probably should be…), I’ve come to view our carpets in a whole new light. A new, she’s-dragging-her-butt-again or please-don’t-puke-there kind of light. (You’re welcome!)

So I’m once again looking at carpet cleaners.

Today’s Target Daily Deals include the Hoover PowerMax SpinScrub Steam Vac for $150 shipped. Except that you can get it for $145 shipped, because if you want it, you can click through this link here to save an additional $5.

You know, just in case there’s a Nonobaddog living at your house, too.


  1. Mir, Maybe Pretty Pooch needs a different diet?

  2. We have Nonobadcats at our house. Same story, different nouns. Thanks for the link!

  3. save your money on the carpet cleaner. Find a good spot cleaner, and then have the carpets done by a pro every year or every other year. There’s always a company that seems to have a 2-room special when I need it done. This comes from a long time dog lover who has had every sort of “accident” imaginable on the carpet. They really are good dogs… they just do what dogs do.

  4. we have a boxer who was a rescue and for the first few months, if she so much as LOOKED at food, she’d puke or have explosive diarrhea. So we put her on a limited ingredient food from Wellness for a few months, then gradually introduced the regular Wellness line to her diet(like a few pieces one day, a few more pieces another day until it was 90/10 new food so that her tummy didn’t rebel) some dogs don’t digest certain grains well, generally wheat and corn. Try a LID kibble, Wellness and Natural Balance both make one, see how Licorice does.

  5. we enjoyed our bissel pro heat thing for our carpet…i finally got so grossed out by how much muck from the black lagoon it took out we got laminate floors. much better…and the vet told us to get iams…less throwing up.

  6. I bought a very similar Hoover model from Amazon about six months ago. I’ve got no pets, but I do have cream-colored carpet that gets dingy even when we’re religious about taking our shoes off at the door. And does it ever show every tiny drop of coffee that might drip from a mug! I’m pleased with the purchase — which I should be, considering how much research I did beforehand.

    If you’re looking for a carpet cleaner, that’s a very good price. Do it! And then convince the children it’s really fun to use it!

  7. I’m curious if anyone else has had bad experiences in the quality of shipping/products from the Target Daily Deal? I had to return a product because of it, and the second that came had the same poor packaging and damage to the product issues.

  8. From the expensive-yet-worth-every-penny file, let me recommend The Equalizer spot cleaner. Amazing stuff. It’s probably available from a pet store near you; I ordered four cans (splitting with my mother) for $35 with free shipping through Amazon.

  9. Okay, so I’ve giggled reading this post and comments. And then I giggled some more. While I do agree that a good spot cleaner can be the best in many circumstances, explosive diarrhea (agian, giggle here) and projectile vomiting from dog and daughter made me get a carpet cleaner. I’m glad I did, as I now at least feel that I can get the carpet somewhat clean and sanitary until the next round of bodily excretions or a full house professional carpet steam. Giggle.

  10. I second Natural Balance food. We have one dog who can eat anything and another who can eat nothing. The one that eats nothing typically eats whatever non-food items are around so we do get a lot of vomiting. I just use Arm and Hammer Pet Odor Neutralizing spray and a scrub brush and rag and it works really well.

    As for dragging-the-butt, that would be anal glands that need to be expressed. Express them and try feeding her canned pumpkin. That seems to help prevent them and our dogs love it.

  11. I suppose this would be a bad time to suggest you read Marley and Me…

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