I need an assistant. (I know, I say that all the time.) No, wait; what I really need is a butler. That would rock. I’d probably still be late with the contest stuff, but I’d have a lovely cup of tea here in front of me. And maybe a (wheat-free) scone. Mmmmm… scones.
What? Oh. Right. The contest!
Okay, so this past week you had the chance to win kiddie DVDs and CDs of music and fun to keep the little ones happy. Good stuff, right? Over 200 of you thought so. The random number generator says commenter 108, Courtney, is our winner. Congratulations, Courtney—please check your email!
Thanks to everyone who played, and thanks to MEDIAworkshop, Nickelodeon, Chorion, and Viacom for the assortment of prizes.
Now you have another chance to win, and this time it’s for you: Have you been meaning to put together some of your pictures online, or load up that digital photo frame, but you just haven’t been able to get yourself organized? Looky what I have here—a handy little Hallmark Digital Scrapbook package, complete with USB drive, including everything you need to make a professional-looking digital scrapbook. Why, it’s so easy, even I could do it. And I’m totally scrapbook impaired.
Want to win it? First go read the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 7:00 a.m. Eastern (4:00 a.m. Pacific) on Monday, November 9th, 2009 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and photogenicness. Which my spell checker says isn’t a word, but I say it is.
Ready? Go!
oooh pick lucky #1
Ohhh, I’m planning on giving photo gifts for Chirstmas this year so that would be so perfect! Pick me!
I have decided to abandon my past life as a scrapbooker in favor of digital photobooks due to laziness and poor time management. Sign me up!
ugh..I really need to get my digital scapbook act together.
5 is my lucky number!
Me! 6 is my lucky number!
Fabulous. Count me in! Lucky 7!
Wow! I am entering a contest as a single digit…that’s a first:)
I’ve got two very photogenic kids!
This would make for a great gift for the grandparents!
Sounds like fun!
Ooh, neat! Me, please 🙂
Just wanted to say Thank you Mir! You made my twins very happy!
I have not entered the traditional scrapbooking arena as of yet…I just can’t seem to find the time or the creativity. But this definitley looks like something I could really get into!
Oooh! I really need to do something with the mob of photos we have stashed away. This would be wonderful!
Sounds lovely!
Oh, my daughter, the Scrapbook Queen, would SO love to have this in her Christmas stocking. Pick me!
I would love to win! Thanks!
Can you say christmas presents?!!
I’d love to win! I do scrapbook, but I’m about 7 years behind on my kids’ books. I need help, and this would work. 🙂
You mean I would actually do something with all the photos on my computer instead of just thinking about it. Awesome.
Yes please! I would LOVE to get caught up on my scrapbooks. 22…go #22!! 🙂
Yay! This would be fun!
Sounds like something my sister would enjoy!
Oh Random number picker… look kindly on this entry! Thanks~~~
Perhaps since I’m getting in here early, this will be my chance?!!? Pretty please?
Could you please give me the meaning of photogenicness? I will thank you when I win the >50 spelling bee!
Free is definitely the best way to try digital scrapbooking, although I don’t know if it will satisfy my paper and embellishment lust… Thanks for another great giveaway!
oooh pick me!
I have a dire need to make a scrapbook! I finally got all my pics organized with iPhoto…love that Mac!
me me me!!
Oh boy!
Please pick my digital photos which are languishing in my pictures folder. THey are so lonely and cold…so, so cold.
fun, fun!
Digital is so much better than actual scrapbooking, which is NOT my forte. Thanks for the opportunity!
I use to scrapbook but I don’t find the time anymore. I’d love to try this form of scrapbooking!
count me in!
Seriously, I NEED this (win or buy…win would be better but buy will be my second choice). I can not scrap book to save my life but really would like to. Digital is the way to get there!
Thanks, Mir.
Lucky number 39.
ooh ooh ooh, pick me, pick me!
Looks like fun!!
Oh! This would be fun!
lucky #43? i have a lot of photogenicness! pick me!
a comment
looks cool!
maybe this could help me….
Pick me! I have done no books since my wedding, that was suppose to be a priority. We have no wedding album, and no other albums from the past 3 years… whoops!
This looks really neat!
This would be awesome to have. Thank you!
Thanks for the chance to win, Mir!
Me, me, me! My SIL would be all set for xmas!
Wow! This would be very handy.
I think I could do this.
Sounds like fun!
Sounds neat! I have a ton of pictures of my sweet 15-month-old daughter on my hard drive that need something done with them – this would be perfect!
I’m scrapbook impaired too but it sounds like a great present for my non-impaired daughter.
That sounds great!
pleeaaaasssseeee pick comment #58, thank you.
Sounds great!
Unsure if even I could figure out how to do this but I’d give it a try!
I need a new hobby!
I SOOOO need to get my photos organized! I have 890 from September ALONE….YIKES! I need help!
Sounds lovely!
This could really help this mom of six. I have to look at Grandma’s hair to guess which kid is in the photo!
That sounds great! Thanks!
I have not scrapbooked in 1 year—-no time! But, digital scrapbooking is a lot faster and easier. I would love to win and try it ! I have a ton of pictures stored on my computer just waiting to be scrapbooked!
sounds cool
I have been wanting to try the digital route. Maybe this will be my chance! Thanks.
Hope it’s mac compatible. or else i’ll have to find a pc to use..
I’d love to win this!
Awesome, with this baby #2 might actually get an album too!
I WANT THIS. Like, all caps bad.
Photogenicity??? Nope, not a word, either. Sign me up, anyway!
I would love to win!
Sounds fun!
Sounds cool!
Organization? Yeah, I could use that…
This would be so great!! I am desperately behond in any form of scrapbooking!!!
love it!
Sounds good!
I’m very behind in scrapbooking. I could use help!
Sounds great to me
Grandparents would flip over this!
I’d love to win! Thanks!
What fun. thanks
That would be pretty awesome!
Would really enjoy this!
I’ve never tried these before, I would love to
Pick me, please!
Oh this is much needed for a Christmas present for mil –
I have trouble deciding what she would REALLY use, and not just stash in her closet(s).
This would be really cool!
Help me please.
Digital photos are better and more modern then Scrapbooking! I am excited to switch!
Since my little boy came along, there is no longer anytime for real scrapbooking, so digital would be awesome!
I keep thinking about scrapbooking but can’t get away from my puter to do it. This sounds for me 🙂
Thanks for doing this.
Really? It’s easy? I’m skeptical, but willing to give it a shot.
Sad to say, even if I had a scrapbook maker I would probably not be able to figure out how to use it.
Heck, sign me up for three. 🙂
Ooo, my Grandmother would adore this!
#100 feels unlikely as a to-be-drawn number….but I’ll give ‘er a shot!
Our family is growing by one again next year and we’d love to have a way to organize photos into scrapbooks! I’ll be looking into this product…as soon as it goes on sale! =)
That looks so fun! I would love to give it a whirl!
My son is getting married and this looks like it would be a fun way to organize the photos. 🙂
ooooo awwww I would so love this!!
i Would love to try digital.
That would be pretty stinking cool!
This would be awesome!
Me me me!
Oh gosh, I have not a lick o’ photogenicness!
Scrapbooking IRL stresses me out…I’m so much more of a digital person. I would love to try it!
I have a daughter turning 8 this week. I got a digital camera when she was 1. Guess how many photos I have printed? If you guessed 0, you would be correct! So, printing them all pretty on something like this might make it actually happen! Plus, I would make people call me Martha and I have always wanted a reason to do that.
Great gift! Thanks
I would love this; please, randome number generator, pick me!
It would be so awesome to win something like this! Great incentive to finally do something with all my digi pix!
My sister-in-law could use this for her wedding pics! Fun, thanks.
I would totally loooove to win this
count me in!
I ,too am scrapbook impaired. Thanks for the help!
Pick me! Would love this!
I’d love to win this!
Yes please.
This looks like fun!
sounds great!
Pick me!
I would love to win this!
This would totally motivate me to organize my pictures. Thanks, Mir!
Random nunber generator….pick me
We just got a new camera and have HUNDREDS of new pictures (I don’t want to think about how many we have total). I’m on the way out the door to go take pics of my wedding site! Sign me UP!
What a great Christmas present!
Yes please….I have 7 years worth to catch up on.
This might actually make me organize all of my pictures!
This would be great. Hope I win!
I tried to do real scrapbooking once… I got 2 pages done…pick me!!
Are you talking to me? Great contest!
Ooh, ooh! I’m not terribly photogenic, but my kids are! Pick me!
This is a good one!
I’d like to win this.
I could use all the help I can get. =)
What a wonderful Christmas Gift…for myself! 🙂
ooh pick me!
Count me in!!!!!!!!
Hope I win! New Baby on the way!
I’d love this. Thanks Mir!
This would be great. I need to get my pictures in order!
Well now, that would simplify things… thanks for the opportunity to win it, Mir! (Oh, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!– I’ve been eagerly awaiting a chance to say that!)
Pick me, pick me. I have never won anything here yet. And I would love this!
How fun! Thanks!
I would L O V E it ! ! !
This sounds like a great contest!!
Great contest!
Winner, me me me, right here, lookie!! This sounds great, Good luck everyone!!
I pray my number gets picked!!
perfect for the lazy scrapbooker. that’d be me
I would love to win–thanks for another great contest!
I am a total scrapoholic, my t-shirt even says so , so it must be true. haha. pick me !!!!please!!!!!
I could -SO- use this!
Wow – that could be incredible! Please pick me!
This would be perfect!
Count me in!
Pick me please!!
Please enter me!
Thanks for the chance!
Would love to win….
Thanks Mir!
this will be my lucky day!!!!!! 🙂
i don’t know what all that means, but I know I need to get on it with the digital pictures, so if this would help, count me in!
My kids and I went to Disneyworld for the 1st time this year and I can’t think of a better time to need a scrapbook kit!
I would love to win this!
Hoping you’ll pick me!!!
Oh please please please pick me!!!
me me me yippee
let me add my name.
I’m in on this!
pick me!
I need this.
I have been wanting to purchase a digital scrapbook program as the traditional scrapbooking is taking a wee bit longer than planned… I’m only 3 years behind!!
I would love this. Thanks.
I stink at regular scrapbooking, perhaps this is the tool for me!
this would be so awesome in my house!
I’ve been wanting to try digital scrapbooking!
I so need this…my son is 2.5 and I still have old pics lying in the top drawer of his chest that need to be put in a decent place for viewing!! Help!!
Sounds like a plan!!
This is exactly what I have been thinking of since I have a one year old grand daughter and so many pictures!
Pretty please pick me.. 184 is my lucky number!
count me in!!!
🙂 Cheese!
ahh…it would be a holiday present for Mommy!!
Hope it’s me!
Try, try again. 😉
Wow! Sounds like a perfect way to spend my (not-so-free) time!
Thanks, Mir!
me me me!! (waving wildy!)
Please pick me! (Squeaking in under the deadline!)
Oh…. I could use this to do baby books…. those baby books I never did….
I want a man servant named Mr. Mullengrove. He can bring me tea and water the flower pots on the porch…..
Hey… can that be the next contest???
I would love that!!