Get your bluetooth on

By Mir
January 14, 2010

I adore the concept of a bluetooth headset… I simply lack the organization to keep track of something that small, and keep it charged. Oh well.

Perhaps you’re more together than I am (like that’s hard…) or, indeed, you’re equally scattered and you can’t be spending a lot of money on things like headsets. Either way, you might want to take a gander at this Samsung WEP470 bluetooth headset currently available for $23 at It has an available $20 rebate, so when all is said and done, you’ve only spent $3 on it!

Several of the Amazon reviews claim the noise reduction capability is even better than the Jawbone. Wow. I’m willing to risk $3 on that.


  1. THANKS Mir!!! My husband lost his so I gave him mine, and for 3 bucks, I’ll get another! 🙂

  2. Yep, just have to remember to send in the rebate! I’ll take it!

  3. Grabbed that one from Woot a few months ago and dh is liking it. I also have issues keeping track (and usually just leave it in the car), but now that hands-free is the law around here, I’m trying to be better. Also experimenting to see if I can keep it in my chest coat pocket and not destroy it…

  4. Love that it’s connected to Amazon’s check out. Super easy.

  5. WOW Mir! Outdid yourself on this one!

  6. I’d been wanting one for about the last two years, and for $3, I’ll finally bite.

    This deal DEFINITELY makes you look skinny.

  7. Amazing find!! I just bought three!!

  8. Just bought two… one for me & a spare for my husband. I’ve never used one, and I might not like it, but how can you go wrong for $3! Thanks Mir!

  9. Sold out! Dang.

    Still, such a good deal just reminds me how pretty you are, Mir. Buy yourself a cute pair of shoes. 😉

Bargain Hunt





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