Nook your books

By Mir
June 2, 2010

Been considering a Nook (Barnes & Noble’s ereader, or—more to the point—their answer to the Kindle)? Now’s the time to buy; through the end of June, get a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card when you buy a Nook for $259. That’s like getting the reader for just $209, or like finally springing for the reader and getting $50 worth of books to load it up.

I don’t know why I’m telling you what it’s like. It’s like getting $50! Do the math however it makes you feel the prettiest and most frugal. Obviously.


  1. Every time I think about doing it, I get distracted. Because, or! I could go out and get $259 of new books!!! And they would smell like new books! (Or like old books if I go to the used book store!) and I get lost in the daydream of that many new books. Happy sigh.

  2. And here I was (coming from a fb link) thinking you were giving one away… Silly me! You’re looking mighty pretty there today 🙂

  3. I have be SO on the brink of getting either this or the Kindle… I’ve got some more research to do, but this just might make it easier to decide!

  4. I’m. . .kind of with Katie. I think I’d much rather spend $259 on real books. Ah, the smell of a new book is a wonderful thing. . .

  5. I love my Nook and heard they are coming out with a Nook lite which will be $100 less and just not have 3G connectivity but still have wireless!

  6. hmmm, from what I have read, the Nook Lite would be $199, which would make this the better deal because of the 3G… but if the Lite does end up coming out for $149, then that would be the better deal since I don’t need 3G connectivity. Oh, the dilemma – wait and see and chance losing the best deal or jump on the current deal and risk buyer’s remorse?!

Bargain Hunt





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