You know it’s time

By Mir
June 29, 2010

Look, we all do it; we forget the admonitions of our mothers (“What if you were in a car accident?”) and we continue wearing those stretched-out, faded, and elastic-snapped undies because… they were at the bottom of the drawer and we haven’t done the laundry yet and really, who cares?

To my mind that’s just sort of inviting a bus to come run you over in the crosswalk. I’m just sayin’.

Scoop up these savings and do your whole family a favor; replace everyone’s underwear and socks now, while you’re thinking about it. (I try to do a clean sweep before school starts, and how cool would it be to have it out of the way before July, even?) Right now everything at Hanes is 20% off, plus you can use code 107697 to ship your entire order for just $1.99. [Updated to add: Okay, looks like you can also use code DOTOMIDSC for another 10% off, but you have to enter DOTOMIDSC first, then 107697, then DOTOMIDSC again to make them both work.]

Think of it as stacking Murphy’s Law in your favor.


  1. The extra 15% off code isnt working for me. It says this code is invalid or expired. Pooh!!

  2. Man! I NEEEEEEED new undies! My dog LOVES chewing mine! But, I couldn’t get the extra 15% off code to work…just the $1.99 shipping. Boo hoo!

    Thanks for the head’s up, though!

  3. Sorry, ladies… did a little research and updated the post; you should be able to use both coupons now by following the directions.

  4. Mir, I love you. Thank you!

  5. Thanks, Mir. You’re a great gal! 🙂

    I still couldn’t get both to work, no matter what I did (including following directions) ;-), but, really…it’s STILL a great deal with the $1.99 shipping and the automatic 20% off.

  6. Awesome timing on this because my husband has been bugging me to buy new panties for a while 🙂 Something about mine falling apart…

    15 pairs, plus two new bras, for $33 shipped! Thanks Mir!

    (Oh, and the codes worked for me :))

  7. The “enter promo code” button is not working – keeps sending me back 🙁 I need some new stuff, too! Gonna try again in a bit, maybe a glitch, or maybe they’ve turned it off.

  8. oh, y’all. the foldover skirt. THE FOLDOVER SKIRT. do yourselves a favor and go SCOOP SOME UP RIGHTHISMINUTE. i am wearing one now. (yes, at work. don’t judge.)

  9. Thanks, Mir! Also, if you’re ordering more than $75, you can use code 107700 for 15% off instead of 10. 🙂

  10. Oh, and shipping is automatically free over $55. Also, I had to re-enter my credit card and billing info again after entering the promo code, but then it went through. Keep trying–it’s definitely worth the effort!

  11. argh – this took forever to get to work – i couldn’t sign in with my account and get ANY promo code to work, had to do it as a guest, and i could not stack the promo codes. ended up just using the $1.99 shipping as that saved me more than the extra 10% off but having to pay $7.99 shipping.

    oh well. thanks mir!

  12. Worked for me! Thanks!

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