Sorry, Roku Store

By Mir
July 8, 2010

Been thinking about buying a Roku? (You totally should—I pink puffy heart ours, not the least of which because the same Netflix disc has been sitting in my family room for four months, but we’ve livestreamed a dozen movies in that time.) And while I generally advocate buying directly from the Roku Store, today’s Amazon Gold Box Deal is a HD Roku for just $100 shipped, and it comes with a $10 credit towards Amazon Video on Demand, effectively making it $90. That’s crazy.

By the way, I just hooked my Roku up to my Amazon account a couple of days ago. It took about ten seconds. (And I’m totally having Girls’ Movie Night with my daughter tonight. C’mon over! Bring snacks!)


  1. I tried to do the trialpay thing with netflix and roku the last time you posted about it but things went haywire. Apparently the netflix trial I signed up for was the wrong trial membership?! so Roku wouldn’t give me a discount on the player. I was bummed but also feeling spiteful so I vowed not to buy their HD Roku for full price. I decided I didn’t need it anyways.

    Oh but there were many moments of lying in bed, wishing I could access my netflix insta queue and silently cursing Roku for having a product I so began to covet.

    Right now, after purchasing an HD Roku per your post, I am feeling vindicated. I will now be able to lounge in the comfort of my bedroom and watch chic flicks or bad sci fi all while knowing I saved big bucks by purchasing from Amazon.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Couldn’t justify it yesterday. We have netflix via PS3 and Wii, both which the kids monopolize. I dreamed of laying in bed watching what I want, then talked myself out of it. Next, I realized, my birthday is Tuesday. I am also pregnant, so what to get for me for
    my birthday. DANG! I wish pregnancy brain wouldn’t have clouded my thinking:) Now I am too cheap to pay the higher price.

Bargain Hunt





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