Mmmm… delicious wheat treats

By Mir
August 3, 2010

I’ve been off wheat for over a year, now, but I still dream of cookies, sometimes. The real kind, you know, that’s all wheat-filled and soft and yummy. Ahem. Sorry, I didn’t mean to drool on you, there. Let me just wipe that off….

Anyway, this deal is not for me, but assuming wheat’s not off the menu for you, you might want to check out the current special on Erin Baker’s items that’s happening at Amazon. Items are marked down, you get another 15% off and free shipping when you buy via Subscribe & Save, and you can also use coupon code ERINSBTS for another 10% off.

Really, now. Breakfast cookies. (And granola, too, but breakfast cookies, y’all.) This is the stuff that us gluten-free folks dream about.


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