
By Mir
September 13, 2010

I have finally wooed my husband to the dark side, and he now drinks coffee with me in the morning. Hallelujah! I do love the excuse to brew a whole pot. Heh. But back before he was a convert, I used my Senseo pod brewer to make just one cup of coffee at a time—it’s perfect if you’re the only coffee drinker in the house.

Right now at Amazon, buy 2 boxes of pods and the coffeemaker is free (while supplies last). It’s a great way to get a Senseo on the cheap, even if you normally use a regular coffeemaker. Maybe this one is good for your office. Or your kid off in the dorms.

Heck, I’m thinking I should take mine and put it in my 12-year-old’s room, along with a rule that she’s not allowed to talk to anyone else in the house until she’s had a cup of joe. Too much…?


  1. I don’t drink coffee at all. But I do have a Senseo. I haven’t used in it awhile for actual drinks in it, but I do believe there are tea pods that we were using for awhile. Mostly I use mine to heat up water for hot chocolate and hot tea (from bags). I love how fast it heats the water.

  2. My husband works third shift as a cop, and has gotten hooked on coffee. I’ve been buying the Starbucks VIA instant coffee as an occasional treat, but at $1/cup, he’d probably love to wake up this afternoon and find that I got in on this deal! Can anyone recommend a good basic flavor? He takes his coffee black with sugar. Thanks!!

  3. How does it know to put the coffee pot in your basket? I can’t figure out how to get the deal.

  4. The coffee maker is sold out.

  5. Everything shows “in stock” for me….BUT at checkout I get the message, “This offer has expired. Please refer to the details in your promotional offer for further information.” Maybe next time 🙂

  6. Well ain’t that just spiffy seeing as how I just bought a new coffee pot YESTERDAY!!!!

  7. I’m laughing at the idea of banishing your tween (or is she a teen now? Sheesh!) until coffee has been consumed. If only I could make that work for my 18 year old. For him, it would take a refrigerator full of Dew.

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