Be a Groupie

By Mir
September 30, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I’ve decided that those of us who harbor a deep love of Groupon should embrace our status as Groupies. Yes.

I still love the local deals, but as they bring in more and more national deals, my infatuation with them only grows deeper. I can only hope that my husband continues to be understanding of this little love affair.

Where should you go today? Well, let’s see….

Head to the Tulsa Groupon (look in the sidebar) for $15 worth of fortune cookie soaps for just $5. Hello, teacher gifts! Love these.

Cross the border to the Ottawa Groupon to snag $70 worth of beautiful, contemporary jewelry for just $35.

Or go to the Pittsburgh Groupon to get 4 movie tickets for just $20 (redeemable through Weekly Cinema—which usually requires a subscription, but doesn’t for this Groupon—and ultimately you purchase via or Fandango).

Or, if you keep missing it, head to Los Angeles (look in the sidebar) for the (now ubiquitous) $10 for $20 at Groupon.

People, it’s a beautiful day to be a Groupie.


  1. The Birmingham side deal is $45 for a canvas… I got this one earlier in the summer, and just had my canvas made. It’s amazing!!! Definitely a great deal!!!

  2. I’m new to this – what exactly is Groupon? And how does it work for those of us who don’t live in major metropolitan areas?

  3. Mandy: Groupon is a discount offered contingent on a certain number of purchases, and was originally started to offer local deals to those in metro areas. So they’d offer, say, $40 worth of food at a NYC restaurant for $20, contingent on selling at least 50 of them. (For what it’s worth: I’ve yet to buy a Groupon that hasn’t reached the minimum number, but I guess it could happen.)

    As Groupon has gained popularity, they’ve started offering national and/or online deals in addition to the targeted local ones. The fact that the soap deal is being offered on the Tulsa page, for example, doesn’t mean you have to live in Tulsa to get and use it—it can be redeemed online.

    I’ve gotten a lot of great local and online deals this way and have totally become a Groupon junkie!

  4. I am divorcing my husband to marry groupon. My new name will be Lacey Groupon.

  5. Do you have to *pretend* to live in Tulsa to purchase the Tulsa groupon? Or can you retain your normal residence and take advantage of groupons wherever they crop up?

  6. Lacey: HA! Awesome.

    Holly: No pretending necessary. Buy away!

  7. I snagged the movie ticket one, to save for when the next Harry Potter comes out! Woot!

Bargain Hunt





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