Deck the halls with actual furniture

By Mir
October 7, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Tell the truth: Do you still have that futon you picked up on the side of the road when you were in college? Or a hand-me-down dresser that’s perfectly fine because you’ve got a 2×4 wedged under that busted back leg?

I feel you. I only got rid of the last of my “pre-adult” furniture a couple of years ago. And part of how I did it was by shopping the Outlet at Home Decorators Collection, one of my very favorite places to get more expensive (read: not junky) furniture on the cheap.

So when I got the email this morning saying that they’re now doing automatic free shipping on orders of $299+, I may have done a little dance of glee.

Of course, their prices tend to be so low that paying for shipping wasn’t a huge problem, but if you can get it shipped for free, so much the better. Now go forth and seriously, get a real rug for in there. One the dog hasn’t puked on, yet.


  1. Great deal but I wouldn’t exactly call this expensive furniture. Largely pressed board with veneers!

  2. No, not expensive. Nicer than the stuff I had in grad school, though. 😉 And I do have a couple of pieces from there which are actual wood/leather! (Though the rug is definitely my favorite. They have some very nice rugs.)

  3. I’m so nervous to buy furniture over the internet, but we’re moving to a new house and definitely need some new stuff. Are the reviews pretty accurate on quality?

  4. I’ve found the reviews to be fairly accurate. Plus I’ve had multiple excellent experiences with them. That said, there are certain things I’ll buy online and others I will not; I’d like to sit on a couch before I order it, for example. (Of course, even the right price will make me bend that rule… but I’m much less likely to chance an unknown where comfort is an issue. Bookcases, rugs, etc. are a different story.)

  5. There’s a lot out there that’s more expensive than free, right? 😉

  6. mir, you just have uncanny timing! we moved earlier this summer and focused on getting the outside to look how we wanted, and now that the weather is cooling off, we’re turning our focus inside. i’m glad to hear you dig their rugs — we have a lot of wood floors in this new house, including all of the bedrooms. so not digging the cold floors on toasty toes first thing in the morning!

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