
By Mir
November 5, 2010

Thank goodness my kids are (finally) outgrowing stuffed animals, but I do remember how a trip to Build-A-Bear used to pretty much be kiddie Nirvana. Of course, it sure would be nice if you could take a trip there without needing a second mortgage on your house, am I right?

Check out today’s Tucson Groupon for $20 to Build-A-Bear for just $10.

You could use it for a holiday gift. Or you could use it to buy compliance when you need it most. What? I never said I was above bribing my kids to behave; if the bribe costs half as much, more power to the briber, I say.

(Thanks for the tip, Michelle! You’re pretty!)


  1. Beware…the $10 for $20 groupon expires 12/31/10!

  2. buy it through houston groupon instead and it appears to expire next spring. odd.

  3. Uh… I’m seeing a March expiration, Sarah. 🙂

  4. It was sold out. I got the one from Chicago. Mine expires the end of the year too.

  5. The deal’s still on today (Saturday). The Houston and Tucson ones expire on 3/31, while the Chicago groupon expires 12/31. No idea why.

  6. can you buy groupons in other cities/states and use them in yours?

  7. Yes, Margaret! Any of these online/national deals can be used from any city unless otherwise specified. (I’ve seen only a few that were for specific outlets.)

  8. This groupon is only good if you have a party there 🙁 with a minimum of 6 people…and you can only use one coupon per party.

  9. That’s not correct, Christina—yesterday it was just $10 for $20, period. Today it’s $10 for $20 on a build-your-own or $25 for $50 to be used towards a party. Hope that helps! 🙂

  10. Question, Mir: I couldn’t find how you receive it after you purchase it. Do you print it off? Do they send you a gift card? I’m new to the Groupon thing.

  11. So, of course I had to order this right away due to the fact that there is a little girl in my family who believes Build-a-Bear to be the be-all and end-all of all that is good in the world. But I literally just figured out yesterday why I’m getting the Groupon emails for Tuscon. My brain is ready for Christmas break already!!!

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